Sahi Khabar - 24th September 2013 - Peshawar Incident Indian RAW behind it??


Minister (2k+ posts)
It's like a fairy tale out of the blue a comrade is taken into custody and labelled to have 200 murders to his name well done PANJAB police now make him admit other crimes, well done PANJAB police we were always reling on your capabilities
Zaid hamid is so right :) Indian army & RAW had made a unit to handle special cases to arrest people like Hafeez saeed or any perpetrators who attempt another blast in India.

The journalist didn't try to enquire into Gen Vk Singh comments!!


Voter (50+ posts)
We always laugh at Syed Zaid Hamid,but at the end of a day it proves correct.
Enemy of a state does not sphere any single corner,as they see opportunity either they destroy it or occupy it hence,
we as a Muslim must need to understand these factors which are engaged in swelling within our own Ranks.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Zaid is mostly right. Question is not if RAW is involved but what are we going to do about it. Nawaz Sharif is as guilty as the terrorists wanting friendship with India whilst being unable to help the suffering people in any way. Next year will be so crucial with the US leaving the region as well as elections in Bharat that could result in anything. I am confident that we will pay Bharat back with interest very soon.


Senator (1k+ posts)
if India has done this ,then its mean they are doing there job perfectly
it also mean that our agencies are failing to do their job


Minister (2k+ posts)
if india has done this ,then its mean they are doing there job perfectly
it also mean that our agencies are failing to do their job

it's nt our agencies to be blamed, it all are our governing leader, who come into govt by inda's blssings......enugh said......zarari & nooras are indian idiots