Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Every Muslim wants the renaissance of Islam to its lost glory. Right? But for that we would have to change our ways in some areas, change some things which we hold dear to us. For that first and the foremost thing is to create a sense of Muslim brotherhood among Ummah and finish the divide based on sects. As it is not a rocket science, it's simply divide and rule policy that has made Muslims doomed worldwide.
We despite of being blessed with all the natural resources and best of guidance in our hands are unable to secure the interest of Muslims world. So for that we'd have to get rid of all dividing drives from among the Ummah.
Wether its Iran or Saudi Arabia. These both countries are making a misery out of Muslim world. Specially Saudi Occupied Arabia. As they are leaders of Muslim world. But we Ummah up till today are failing to discriminate between the Holy Land Hijaz E Muqadas and it's criminal rulership of Al Saud. When someone speaks against Al Saud people start taking against the Holy land. Guys learn to differentiate.
This Criminal Puppet Monarchy of House of Saud is the Curse for this Muslim Ummah and the biggest hurdle in the renaissance of Islam. Every person who has pain of Muslim Ummah knows the treacherous role of this Evil Zionist Family of Saud. Whoever will make a plan of restoring the lost glory of Islam would make a minus Al Saud formula. They have no role in it. The sooner we realize it the better it is.
Can anyone tell me the authority of Family rulingThe Holiest belongings of Muslim Ummah. What is the legal authority and legitimacy of Al Saud to occupy the holiest lands of Islam. Let's not forget they were mere looters who invaded Hijaz.
If they can do it others can do that too. This family, just to secure their monarchy and rule, have made Islam impotent by being a lapdog of USA. They are a very shameful face of Ummah and do not qualify to represent Islam, these luxury lovers, impotent monarchs don't have that courage to stand up. Instead they are party with US to every injustice and massacre in the Muslim world specially middle east. So for achieving the lost glory of Islam we would have to get rid of these Puppet leaders of Ummah who are playing in the hands of Enemies just for the safety of their own monarchy. Not to mention funding terrorism across the world. How we as Pakistanis can deny or forget that?
To see Islam and Muslims flourish in the world we have to get rid of this one Family for the bigger good of the Ummah. Don't think of a Family and your allegiance to it, you are going to be questioned about your allegiance to Islam and not a Family of ex looters and currently Luxury loving impotent Monarchs. Realize it, The some the better. Period.
We despite of being blessed with all the natural resources and best of guidance in our hands are unable to secure the interest of Muslims world. So for that we'd have to get rid of all dividing drives from among the Ummah.
Wether its Iran or Saudi Arabia. These both countries are making a misery out of Muslim world. Specially Saudi Occupied Arabia. As they are leaders of Muslim world. But we Ummah up till today are failing to discriminate between the Holy Land Hijaz E Muqadas and it's criminal rulership of Al Saud. When someone speaks against Al Saud people start taking against the Holy land. Guys learn to differentiate.
This Criminal Puppet Monarchy of House of Saud is the Curse for this Muslim Ummah and the biggest hurdle in the renaissance of Islam. Every person who has pain of Muslim Ummah knows the treacherous role of this Evil Zionist Family of Saud. Whoever will make a plan of restoring the lost glory of Islam would make a minus Al Saud formula. They have no role in it. The sooner we realize it the better it is.
Can anyone tell me the authority of Family rulingThe Holiest belongings of Muslim Ummah. What is the legal authority and legitimacy of Al Saud to occupy the holiest lands of Islam. Let's not forget they were mere looters who invaded Hijaz.
If they can do it others can do that too. This family, just to secure their monarchy and rule, have made Islam impotent by being a lapdog of USA. They are a very shameful face of Ummah and do not qualify to represent Islam, these luxury lovers, impotent monarchs don't have that courage to stand up. Instead they are party with US to every injustice and massacre in the Muslim world specially middle east. So for achieving the lost glory of Islam we would have to get rid of these Puppet leaders of Ummah who are playing in the hands of Enemies just for the safety of their own monarchy. Not to mention funding terrorism across the world. How we as Pakistanis can deny or forget that?
To see Islam and Muslims flourish in the world we have to get rid of this one Family for the bigger good of the Ummah. Don't think of a Family and your allegiance to it, you are going to be questioned about your allegiance to Islam and not a Family of ex looters and currently Luxury loving impotent Monarchs. Realize it, The some the better. Period.
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