You know what you need to do, get some sense in your reasoning, or better, get your head examined, lets just analyse a bit to find out who acts like Gadafi; Gadafi ruled Libya for almost 40 years, he did everything with it as he wanted, Nawaz Shareef has ruled Pakistan for almost five years as PM in three terms and he ruled Punjab for 5 years and his party has ruled Punjab for almost 25 years, while Imran Khan has only served Pakistan without being in power, now who do you think matches the most, Nawaz Shareef has fcuk all to give Pakistan, he only takes, he has never been allowed to complete his term because he is probably the most incompetent Prime Minister in history, our lives are hell because of this buffoon, as for wanting power, you are saying he wants power at every cost yet PMLN managed to cast thousands of bogus votes to ensure their candidates win, he wants power yet PMLN government managed to use all the government machinery to ensure they win, he wants power yet PMLN managed to use all the government institution to ensure they win and now make sure that they keep that win. All Imran Khan wants is votes verification in four constituencies, if PMLN is so sure that people voted for them then what are they scared of, what have they got to hide why wouldn't they allow votes verification in four constituencies and another thing if PTI wanted power every cost they wouldn't have lost NA1. What I think of you, somebody who is on drugs don't know the difference between right or wrong. Imran Khan is the only one who can fix everything what he will destroy is the corrupt political mafia who have turned this country into a living hell. Like I said the days of darkness are numbered In Sha Allah.