Siasat pk has a vibrant community of bloggers, contributing quality stuff-excluding the Patwarri Bloggers.
It is quiet noticable that the Patwarri Blogger's contribution to the forum are of very poor quality, sometimes irrelevant, and mostly reactive.
Most of the Patwarri Blooggers are of younger age lacking maturity.
I believe that this is a cultural trait specific to the Patwarris-i,e being pedantic, pathetic, poor quality, immature- inheriting from the genes of Jaati Umra/ Raiwind/NS.
It's a shame that we have to share this forum with such poor quality Patwarris resulting in a decline in literary aspect of our wriitings.
It is quiet noticable that the Patwarri Blogger's contribution to the forum are of very poor quality, sometimes irrelevant, and mostly reactive.
Most of the Patwarri Blooggers are of younger age lacking maturity.
I believe that this is a cultural trait specific to the Patwarris-i,e being pedantic, pathetic, poor quality, immature- inheriting from the genes of Jaati Umra/ Raiwind/NS.
It's a shame that we have to share this forum with such poor quality Patwarris resulting in a decline in literary aspect of our wriitings.