Pakistani National Data & Mobile Phone Records Handed to US


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistani National Data & Mobile Phone Records Handed to US
Monday, March 15, 2010
By OmEr Jamil

London: Pakistani Interior Ministry under Rehman Malik linked/handed over National Data Base, (NADRA) with/to US and British embassies in Islamabad. It was handed over by a very high level official of the interior ministry yesterday according to sources.

The Interior Ministry also linked the Database available on the systems of mobile companies. In this way British and US embassies would be able to access details of the person or persons and their whole family by entering National Identity card number. By using the data of the mobile phone companies one can triangulate the exact location of the mobile phone user, his call history, SMS and voice messages. The behind is that it will facilitate the Visa process.

USA and UK will be able to keep an eye on the movements of the people of Pakistan. After the breaking of this news other embassies for example: France, Australia, Denmark and Canada based in Islamabad also demanded similar facilities. There is a possibility that any one can misuse this facility.

While talking to the London Post in Islamabad a senior official at the interior ministry denied any knowledge of this move and said, it is not possible.

If true it is a very serious matter in the current scenario as one would like to know if US and Britain also extended same facility to Pakistani embassy in Washington and High Commission in London.

Pakistan is already sharing PICES System border control data with the USA, which India refused to install on its borders entry and exit points because US refused to provide configuration codes.


khan afghan

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Pakistani National Data & Mobile Phone Records Handed to

At least it will reduce the work burden on our official who are constantly
providing all these informtion about the people of pakistan on
daily basis on the order of Malik.Amercans and other allies have full access
to all data and even to very sensitive departments of the government of pakistan.
And when we apply for a visa even we give them more than they need for example
about our wealth,property ,bank balance,personal information about family and so on.
if Malik provided all these he didnt do anything wrong.We are one of the state of US.
Everone wants to do best for america and to keep her happy.Where are absconders
are living like MQM altaf,Punjab bank president Hamesh khan,Respectable Admiral Mansoor ul haq,
General and Commondo Pervez Musharaf etc ,My friend we hypocrate.We beg america
on daily basis for money,water,medicine,budget deficit,food,arms.our high offficials send
their children to US, and then we blame america.No my dear america should not be blamed.
Blme your own people for all this mess.And yeterday you saw the election result how people
voted these two parties who work for others interest to be in power.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani National Data & Mobile Phone Records Handed to

khan afghan said:
At least it will reduce the work burden on our official who are constantly
providing all these informtion about the people of pakistan on
daily basis on the order of Malik.Amercans and other allies have full access
to all data and even to very sensitive departments of the government of pakistan.
And when we apply for a visa even we give them more than they need for example
about our wealth,property ,bank balance,personal information about family and so on.
if Malik provided all these he didnt do anything wrong.We are one of the state of US.
Everone wants to do best for america and to keep her happy.Where are absconders
are living like MQM altaf,Punjab bank president Hamesh khan,Respectable Admiral Mansoor ul haq,
General and Commondo Pervez Musharaf etc ,My friend we hypocrate.We beg america
on daily basis for money,water,medicine,budget deficit,food,arms.our high offficials send
their children to US, and then we blame america.No my dear america should not be blamed.
Blme your own people for all this mess.And yeterday you saw the election result how people
voted these two parties who work for others interest to be in power.

yes .paki people are inviting azaab from allah by voting again and again for kufars agents.muslim league q or n,ppp,mqm ,anp ,army league (political party of our army?which has won the most elections by now haha!),justice league (of iftikhar chaudery etc the big gamer ) etc are all american and kufars puppets .and leadership of most of these parties belongs to those people whose forefathers were british agents and who helped british in killing many freedom fighters ,and now they are helping the children of british (the zionist americans ) in securing their occupation of pakistan.
but one point i need to clearify...our people educated or uneducated are all like cattles.they have no higher purpose,to them life means to eat,excrete ,and reproduce than die and go to _____
these faithful cattle are being led by our clever civil and army leadership.our army officers and civilians leaders by selling pakistani and islamic interests to kufars are making millions of dollars but common pakistani is getting nothing...but still this common cattle brain pakistani is faithful to these looters and oppressors in army and civil leadership
believe me that even low caliber army officers families are having banglows in usa etc.its full ayaashi time for our army and politicians,by destroying our future they have made billiobs for themselves anbd their families
but what will we do!nothing! as power and will to do anything is with these looters too,rest of pakistanis are just cattle grazing on whatever little withering grass they can find


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Pakistani National Data & Mobile Phone Records Handed to

one example is of shah mehomood qureshi,who is our foreign minister
its reported via reliable sources that shah mehmoods grandfather was a big ghaddar and faithful pet of british rulers,its said that this guy caught many freedom fighters for british rulers who were later hanged,as a gift shah mehmoods grandfather was given big jaageer and rank by british,so his forefathers made money and name by their treason to the cause of freedom of our land
than shah mehmoods father the big lota came into politics,he remained governor of punjab
than shah mehmood became foregin minsiter
shah mehmoods son now works for american senator john kerys firm in america,,,senator john kery is a big zionist and illumanati with secret agenda for greater israel and he is one of leading zionists working for total annihilation and destruction of pakistan,,,its said that shah mehmood took great efforts to make kery luger bill succeed which was against pakistani interests
so shah mehmoods son also is working for kufars interests against islam and pakistan, like all his forefathers did in past.
the trouble with bad seed is that its stink never leaves it and every new generation resulting from that stinking bad seed is an azaab upon humanity
so till this bad seed renmains in circulation muslims interests will be sold and we will remain slaves forever
