On repeated questions of a reporter, Fazal ur Rehman avoids targeting Army..


Senator (1k+ posts)
اچھا مولانا گڈ بائے
ابو نے بلایا ہے




MPA (400+ posts)
is a good enough, or want more of it. by the way who you are representing, you are only a rejected mna of DIK , even if we consider you as a representative of that area, why don't you remain in your size, talk about the water shortage, dispensary in your district or schools Patwaries, sho


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The problem with Fazlu is that he got too big for his boots.He wanted to become PM without winning general election.He asked Gen Musharaf to make him PM.This is true.There several people who are still alive who were present at his meeting with Musharaf.He then went to American ambassador and begged her to make him PM.He was disappointed both times.Last year he contested the presidential election but he was defeated by PTI's candidate.He should realise that he can not become PM or president of Pakistan.He should try to work on local issues in DIG.People need clean water, health facilities,schools etc.He should stop dreaming of becoming PM because it is not going to happen.In his quest to get into power he is spreading hate and challenging the writ of the state.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
‏مشرف صاحب نےچوہدری شجاعت کو اکبر بُگٹی کے ساتھ امن مزاکرات کےلئےبھیجا نتیجہ:-بُگٹی مارا گیا ! پھر خیر سےلال مسجد میں مولانا عبدالرشید سے مزاکرات کےلئےبھیجا نتیجہ:-مولانا عبدالرشید فائرنگ سے ہلاک! فضل الرحمن سےمزاکرات میں دعا کریں انکا قدم مبارک ثابت ہو?

v r imran k

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
to becharay per taras a gaya jiss tara yay rohay pti ko chiay sease fire karain eisel deisel kehna choor dain wesy b prime minster imran khan ko ab deisel kehna zeb nahi deta he is primeminster is not in container dill barra karian fazlu sy mufahimat kerni chiay