- Capital TV @CapitalTV_News 24m
Osama Bin Laden was given residence in Abbotabad on the orders of Pervez Musharraf - Ex Interior Minister Mian Zahid.
lol.... We would never find out the truth .....
this is the new height of madness people still believe that OBL was in Abbotabad and was killed during American seal's raid this is total drama, If u kill the most wanted man in the world u would show off ur victory or his body like USA did with Saddam and Gaddafi why not with OBL because he was already dead and killed by someone else as confessed by Benazir Bhutto. So now stop believe in this misleading information. Abbotabad scene was just raised to demoralised pakistan and shatter the image of Pakistan in front of the world.
like we allowed real drones get some life dudeand Pakistan allowed USA to do it, rather than easily denying it to save her skin. very funny arguement
like we allowed real drones get some life dude
and Pakistan allowed USA to do it, rather than easily denying it to save her skin. very funny arguement
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