OBL was given residence in Abbotabad on the orders of Pervez Musharraf - Mian Zahid Sarfaraz


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lol.... We would never find out the truth .....



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
this is the new height of madness people still believe that OBL was in Abbotabad and was killed during American seal's raid this is total drama, If u kill the most wanted man in the world u would show off ur victory or his body like USA did with Saddam and Gaddafi why not with OBL because he was already dead and killed by someone else as confessed by Benazir Bhutto. So now stop believe in this misleading information. Abbotabad scene was just raised to demoralised pakistan and shatter the image of Pakistan in front of the world.


Councller (250+ posts)
this is the new height of madness people still believe that OBL was in Abbotabad and was killed during American seal's raid this is total drama, If u kill the most wanted man in the world u would show off ur victory or his body like USA did with Saddam and Gaddafi why not with OBL because he was already dead and killed by someone else as confessed by Benazir Bhutto. So now stop believe in this misleading information. Abbotabad scene was just raised to demoralised pakistan and shatter the image of Pakistan in front of the world.

and Pakistan allowed USA to do it, rather than easily denying it to save her skin. very funny arguement


Councller (250+ posts)
like we allowed real drones get some life dude

but at least Pakistan condemns it officially. why dont Pakistan deny OBL presence and death? what were the hellicopters doing there? who is this Dr afridi? what OBL wife was doing there? who was sent to Yemen? Obama told the whole world he is finished, why not he is saying the same about Zawahiri? come on open your eyes and dare to see the reality.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
you live in germany khanisback than u have a popular website called youtube, just search OBL dead benazir bhutto ... she spilled out the truth ..

Bani Adam

Senator (1k+ posts)
And now the other twist...

Abridged Transcript of former CIA agent and Turkish politician, Berkan Yashar's interview with Russias Channel One:
"In September of 1992, I was in Chechnya, thats when I first met the man whose name was Bin Laden. This meeting took place in a two-story house in the city of Grozny; on the top floor was a family of Gamsakhurdia, the Georgian president, who then was kicked out of his country. We met on the bottom floor; Osama lived in the same building, Yashar said.
Even if the entire world believed, I could not possibly believe it, Yashar said. I personally know the Chechens who protected him, they are Sami, Mahmood, and Ayub, and they were with him until the very end - he died of natural causes on June 26, 2006.
Only three Chechens buried him, according to his will in the mountains on the Pakistan-Afghan border, he said.
Yashar added that the CIA abducted one of the bodyguards, Sami, before the announced killing of Bin Laden last year.
He says the bodyguard disclosed to the US the exact place of burial in the mountains.
