Obama Speech on Panama Leaks, he labels these people as Dodgers & they play with the System



Washington (AFP) - US President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the revelations that powerful international politicians and businessmen have hidden money in shell companies shows tax avoidance is a global issue.

He said wealthy individuals and corporations are "gaming the system" by making use of tax code loopholes that average taxpayers do not have access to

He also labelled "insidious" the growing practice of US companies merging with foreign firms just to cut their tax liabilities.

While enjoying the strengths of the US economy -- its workers, rule of law, and infrastructure -- such companies are not "paying their fair share," he said.

"Tax avoidance is a big global problem," Obama said, making reference to documents leaked from a Panama law firm that show thousands of anonymous companies could have been used by wealthy people to hide income.

"It's not unique to other countries, because there are people in America who are taking advantage of the same stuff."
"A lot of it is legal, but that's exactly the problem."

Obama took aim at companies exploiting weaknesses in laws to legally slash their US tax obligations, effectively undercutting the US government's income base.On Monday, the US Treasury tightened rules against "inversion" deals, in which US companies merge with foreign firms to move their official address offshore -- but not their US operations -- to avoid paying US taxes.

Such moves, like a pending $160 billion tie-up between pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Allergan, exploit loopholes that allow the companies to "get out of paying their fair share of taxes here at home," Obama said.

"They effectively renounce their citizenship. They declare that they're based somewhere else, thereby getting all the rewards of being an American company without fulfilling the responsibilities to pay their taxes the way everybody else is supposed to pay them," he said.

"It sticks the rest of us with the tab. And it makes hard-working Americans feel like the deck is stacked against them."
The president called for Congress to take action on tax code reforms to eliminate loopholes that allow such blatant avoidance.
Tax laws "are so poorly designed that they allow people, if they've got enough lawyers and enough accountants, to wiggle out of responsibilities," Obama said.

On Monday, the White House issued an update to its still-blocked 2012 business tax reform proposal to Congress, saying reforms are more urgently needed than before given the surge in inversion deals.

Reforms would slow inversions while better supporting investment and hiring inside the United States and cutting the costs to businesses of tax compliance, the White House said.
They would also stem the shifting offshore of an estimated $100 billion a year of corporate income to avoid taxes.

"Reform should not only eliminate undesirable incentives; it should also provide incentives to support economic activities that benefit the broader economy," the new outline said.

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/obama-tax-avoidance-big-global-problem-163634468.html
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Thanks for sharing this. But I would like to point out that, modern day financial corruption require modern laws. You see Obama isn't demanding chopping off hands as per the sharia.


MPA (400+ posts)
There has been a lot of hue and cry in USA in recent years about companies that do their business in USA but get registered offshore to save taxes. US government has been tightening the rules but still it cannot fully stop this practice because it is not illegal. Post Bretton Woods and because of globally integrated financial system, restricting flow of capital between economies is not possible. The USA is unique in the sense that it taxes the income of its nationals earned anywhere in the world. Therefore, it stands to lose the most from the trend of incorporating overseas.


Senator (1k+ posts)
آپ اوباما کی تقریر سنیے اور دیکھیا بالکل سحیح کہ رہا ہے جو لوگ یہ کرتے ہیں اور وہی باتیں یہ نواز شریف، اس کے باٹے اور چیلے کہ رہے ہیں کہ یہ غیر قانونی نہیں کہ اوف شور کمپنیاں ہوں اگر ان کی یہ بات مان بھی لی جاے تو یہ تو بتاو بے غیرتوں کہ یہ پیسا غریب عوام کا کھانا اور منی لانڈرنگ کرنا کیا قانونی ہے؟


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
That's rich considering he pushed for Panama FTA which made it easier for the 1% in America to take advantage of the tax havens in Panama
