Now, What PTI Supporters Want To Say.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Same tactics which was adopted against MQM in the Past.
Also in recent past nothing has changed.




15000 MQM supporters were massacred in cold blood by Muslim League noon, PPP and a guy called Naseer ullah Babar accusing them on concocted stories of Jinnahpur. See the irony of events, the same group of people who were the killers are now suffering from lethal suicide bombings, the same uniformed foot soldiers are suffering by target killings and another irony, by whom, their own people. The irony of events taking place is a very strange part of history. Lessons are to be learned from these events. The porochial, sectarian, arrogant and racist behaviour that prevails amongst the majority walas is shaking the foundation of this country. They are like a ruling class in a large ship which is sinking but even in the sinking ship, these arrogant people are trying to supress people whom they think belong to some other community forgetting the fate that is there to bury them in the watery grave. The unfortunate irony is that the religious parties are also following the same style and this is reflected in their behavious, style and approach. These religious parteis lead by dis-honourable Jamatees are supporting the Zalimaans and are against the army supressing them. A lot of lessons are to be learned from these events. If the country is to be saved these people will have to abandon their self centerered approach and take every one along. Allow the smaller provinces to have their rights and stop supressing them. Otherwise like the rulers in the sinking ship, the watery grave is there to grab them.


With waht face they went there ie in lahore when Imran Khan need visa for Krahci. He was deported from Krachi as he was big terroris or he was travelling to other country. He just want travel for donation he intend to build a same hospital like lahore. But Mqm thought he was comming there to challenge their monoply. what we can say ''SHARM TUM MAGAR AATI NAHEEN''. they should aplogise for their crimes commited and they are continuing to committing the same, against humanity. I have a friend here in Uk , a urdu speaker , belongs to karachi, I have heard many stories about he witnessed himself. few months back a Noon leauge leader was killed in karachi.
I am convinced that MQM is facist party, but the good sign is that they want to join main stream, but for that they should aplogise from the people thats only way that they cant get space in mind of the people. Sorry for harsh words agains MQM from the MQM's supporters.


Senator (1k+ posts)
People stop posting incorrect figures and information. It might work on people who don't live in Karahi and doesn't know the history of MQM but I have resided in Karachi for over 30 years and have witnessed MQM's every so called noble deeds, they are bunch of thugs and criminals. They have terrorised people of Karachi for decades, Open your damn eyes and vote for change, when will our so called educated circle will realize they are destroying our country, please stop voting for these goons. PPP and PML-N and rest all are same.


Councller (250+ posts)
jury u no wot ur problem is ur sick u need a gud doctor other wise u ll kill urself one day so b4 tat thing happen do c one.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
reminder said:
jury u no wot ur problem is ur sick u need a gud doctor other wise u ll kill urself one day so b4 tat thing happen do c one.

Jury posted here more than 1550 posts and his mind is working good and well ....But you my friend , just after only 5 posts, are showing that you need to go to docor . Otherwise you can not reach even 500 posts here ....;)


Councller (250+ posts)
the thing is no body b4 me said any thing like dis 2 jury infact some 1 should have done dis ages ago but anyway never too late i m doing now n one thing more u mqm supporters try 2 hide there crime n ur poor leader who ran away from pakistan is killer tats y tat killer is not cuming back dont take it persnel its truth n i no u ppl dont like truth because u cant do crime if u speak truth shame on u n every 1 who are in ur group killers.lolxxxxxxxxxxx :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: dont call me ur friend i m not ur friend n dont wanna be friend of some 1 who support killers.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
reminder said:
the thing is no body b4 me said any thing like dis 2 jury infact some 1 should have done dis ages ago but anyway never too late i m doing now n one thing more u mqm supporters try 2 hide there crime n ur poor leader who ran away from pakistan is killer tats y tat killer is not cuming back dont take it persnel its truth n i no u ppl dont like truth because u cant do crime if u speak truth shame on u n every 1 who are in ur group killers.lolxxxxxxxxxxx :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: dont call me ur friend i m not ur friend n dont wanna be friend of some 1 who support killers.

Even less than 10 posts and you need to go to doctor my friend.
Who killed whom ? would you like to explain with name ....

Do you know those people who are in picture here .....please see and say to us ...
Who are they ??


Councller (250+ posts)
these ppl in pics i dunno wot they have done but must be some thing because if u put these ppl in jail they ll cum out n again ll distrub normal ppl by asking dem give money on gun point if tat was the matter den they desrved tat wot happend 2 dem n if they were inocent den at the day of judgement ppl who killed dem n were behind dis ll get punishment.Now i m asking u simple question y ur so called leader altaf is out of pakistan n y he is not cuming back answer my question ok n again dont call me ur friend ok dont u get tat i m not ur friend mind tat i can be ur muslim bro but ur modern muslim n m not so tat thing also cant happen.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
reminder said:
these ppl in pics i dunno wot they have done but must be some thing because if u put these ppl in jail they ll cum out n again ll distrub normal ppl by asking dem give money on gun point if tat was the matter den they desrved tat wot happend 2 dem n if they were inocent den at the day of judgement ppl who killed dem n were behind dis ll get punishment.Now i m asking u simple question y ur so called leader altaf is out of pakistan n y he is not cuming back answer my question ok n again dont call me ur friend ok dont u get tat i m not ur friend mind tat i can be ur muslim bro but ur modern muslim n m not so tat thing also cant happen.

Who killed them ???


Councller (250+ posts)
u didnt answer my question y ur so called leader ran away from pakistan n y he is not cuming back????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


MPA (400+ posts)
HEY WHY MQM meet PPP in Dubai @??? are they against NRO and look who they are meeting [rehman-malik] Biggest NRo beneficary ????????????????????? what about DG isi breifing can jury pls tell us what are instructions this time around """"!!!!1 i thought MQM is against military dictators [/size [musharaf] they were sitting in whos [musharaf] democractic goverment? i thought MQM is aginaist waderaaaas [zardari] who is biggest vaderaaara in sindh ?????? and who is their partner [altaf]
i thought they are aganist crupption ? why they are hiding ports and shipping minister scandals ??????? u know who MR baber ghuarie ????????????? u know what he did last summer? dont u ? i know u try to play innocent or dump ? but every one know what he did cruse ships does it ring the bells?

so MQM contradicts itself all the way long


Councller (250+ posts)
mqm waly can not take panga with zardari bcz both r choor [altaf] [zardari] or choor dosrry choor ko kbi dhooka nhai deta .mqm just demand ka zardari jee akeela akeela he sub pasa mat kahyo thora hum ko be do sumjee kia :twisted: bat sirf ya ha inder sa .


MPA (400+ posts)
u even contradicted urself again u were trying defame PTI but u end up defaming PML (N) very clever IKE terrrrre see duo shakaaar two kill with one bullet lol
no answer to my questions if u have any answers apart from propoganda pls give us answers we dont need ur lecture


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
hnuter555 said:
HEY WHY MQM meet PPP in Dubai @??? are they against NRO and look who they are meeting [rehman-malik] Biggest NRo beneficary ????????????????????? what about DG isi breifing can jury pls tell us what are instructions this time around """"!!!!1 i thought MQM is against military dictators [/size [musharaf] they were sitting in whos [musharaf] democractic goverment? i thought MQM is aginaist waderaaaas [zardari] who is biggest vaderaaara in sindh ?????? and who is their partner [altaf]
i thought they are aganist crupption ? why they are hiding ports and shipping minister scandals ??????? u know who MR baber ghuarie ????????????? u know what he did last summer? dont u ? i know u try to play innocent or dump ? but every one know what he did cruse ships does it ring the bells?

so MQM contradicts itself all the way long

1) MQM meet PPP because, it is the negotiation between MQM & PPP.
It is both party to decide, which they nominate. Just like, if someone don't like Imran, but, one has to talk with Imran, if one want to talk with PTI.

2) This news is not confirmed, yet.
No hue and cry, when Aitizaz receive a phone call from Chief of Army Staff General Keyani, in the night, before restoration of CJ. Couple of weeks ago, Punjab CM, Shahbaz Sharif met, but no hue and cry then. Both news are confirmed.

3) You're right, MQM is against Army dictator. But, what one do, if CJ and other judges legitimize that. MQM boycotted 2002 local body election. PML-N, Jamaat-e-Islami, PPP, etc took part in that election. Although constitution was under LFO. But, when Court legalized that, MQM took part in election 2004.

4) MQM is still against Jageerdars, waderas, Khans, etc. But, they are elected by the people by votes. MQM hasn't given them ticket to represent them.


5) Regarding Babar Ghori, published something conclusive evidence, not the cock and bull story. MQM will be grateful to you if you'll give concrete evidence, LA court order against Imran.

6) Who is doing propaganda? Just one post video/news against Altaf, I post for Imran.
Coming back to Pakistan, it is the affair of MQM supporters and workers. Just like, Imran doesn't go to face case in LA against him.


MPA (400+ posts)
1)both parties decide what ?? NRO and neg with who rehman malik biggest nro beneficary why they meet in dubai dont they have parlitment house or president house or 90 what i got to do with imran dont try to confuse the issue truth is u dont have any answer u r just playing with words

2) it is confirmed all over media two wrongs dont make it right so either u r clean or not clean u cant argue that u r not clean so thats why i am not clean too in this matter MQM Is not clean too

3) it got nothing to with local elections again if ur criteria is bec i done some thing wrong not u will do with it it does not give u any extra edge truth is again u got no point wotsoever

4) u did not anser why they sit with all these jegerdar and vanderas????? again u failed to anawer my question ????? if u dont like these people why u sit with them its called hypocrasy in simple lingo

5)what about candian court order vs mqm so lets not get personal u recon altaf or all ur leaders never ever done any thing bad what about saleem shahzad shooter whole karachie know about it, so again no answer just a rethroic again

6)MQM as its own claim is a people democatic party if i am mqm
voter i have right to ask my leader to come to pak? its like tony blair running our country would u accept it/? or why not all leaders [nawaz] sit at jedda ? [musharaf] sit in uk [zardari] sit in dubai why we spend money on parliment and elections again u have no answer just rethoric dude

do us all a fovour and admit that we all make mitakes and we all are fallable and all parties are not perfect and no one is clean and try to accept arguments and learn from it then we can go some where


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
hnuter555 said:
1)both parties decide what ?? NRO and neg with who rehman malik biggest nro beneficary why they meet in dubai dont they have parlitment house or president house or 90 what i got to do with imran dont try to confuse the issue truth is u dont have any answer u r just playing with words
2) it is confirmed all over media two wrongs dont make it right so either u r clean or not clean u cant argue that u r not clean so thats why i am not clean too in this matter MQM Is not clean too.
3) it got nothing to with local elections again if ur criteria is bec i done some thing wrong not u will do with it it does not give u any extra edge truth is again u got no point wotsoever
4) u did not anser why they sit with all these jegerdar and vanderas????? again u failed to anawer my question ????? if u dont like these people why u sit with them its called hypocrasy in simple lingo
5) what about candian court order vs mqm so lets not get personal u recon altaf or all ur leaders never ever done any thing bad what about saleem shahzad shooter whole karachie know about it, so again no answer just a rethroic again
6)MQM as its own claim is a people democatic party if i am mqm
voter i have right to ask my leader to come to pak? its like tony blair running our country would u accept it/? or why not all leaders [nawaz] sit at jedda ? [musharaf] sit in uk [zardari] sit in dubai why we spend money on parliment and elections again u have no answer just rethoric dude
do us all a fovour and admit that we all make mitakes and we all are fallable and all parties are not perfect and no one is clean and try to accept arguments and learn from it then we can go some where

Rehman Malick is moving free, and court is doing nothing.
He is representative of PPP. Regarding meeting place, I would say, grow up.
In days to come, people may meet on the moon or in space.

Nothing conclusive. Just like Altaf statement regarding
resignation demand of PRESIDENT ASIF ALI ZARDARI.

Buddy! Court legitimized the Mushrraf rule. Then MQM took part in election.
All the big parties were participated, who was making hue and cry for democracy the last year of Musharraf rule.

If you didn't watch my video in point 4, then it is not my fault.

Regarding Canadian court order, you're still blowing trumpet of old song.
I've posted the video last week in, which Dr. Fraooq Sattar was given Shield by the Canadian parliamentarian on behalf of Canadian parliament. Not a good news for you. Again, I'm posting that video.
