Mulk taleem se bante hain sadkon se nahi:- Gwadar student to Shahbaz Sharif


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
نادان بچہ ہے. نہیں جانتا کہ صرف سڑکوں سے ترقی ہوتی ہے اور ایک ہی سڑک بار بار بنانے سے اور ایک ہی پارک بار بار بنانے سے تو دن دوگنی رات چوگنی ترقی ہوتی ہے


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
کیا بات ہے بلوچستان والو آج شوباز کو صحیح ذلیل کیا ہے بنتا بھی تھا تن کے رکھو ان پانامہ کے شیطانوں کو

battery low

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
[FONT=&quot]جب تک پاکستانی شیر کے نام پر نواز شریف جیسے گدھوں کو ووٹ دیتے رہیں گے ہر ادارے کا بیڑا غرق ہی رہے گا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Education is not a priority for Sharif lohars.They are only interesetd in making money(through corruption).African countries have better schools than Pakistan.Sharifs have done nothing to improve primary and secondary eduction.They have spent all the money on projects in Lahore.There is no money left for education in rest of Punjab.

khan afghan1

Minister (2k+ posts)
State are built on the hard work of the nation. Neither education nar Motorways. We never really think that pakistan is our country. It seems we are here to make some wealth by all means and will leave when we full our bank account. I can't see anyone loyal to the state of Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Without infrastructure no education can be provided in remote areas. Gawadar to Quetta was almost a day travel and hundred of villages were without any link to rest of Balochiantan and Pakistan. Tell me a single place where you have university but no road link and people are riding donkeys to get one place to the other.

Road links will improve local economies and then universities and colleges will motivate people to get education. How many of us ever visit Gawadar? How many of us ever visit even Quetta? Why we never did? because simple balochistan was always cut off from country and solution to their problem is to connect balochistan to rest of country and pmln is doing its best.

Having said all above no one stops Balohistan government to spend more money on education. Shabaz shareef can help a little in education sector outside Punjab. At least we should appreciate that Shabaz shareef invite Balochi students regularly and also increases quota for Balochi students in Punjab. Also, shabaz shareef send top Balochi students on foreign universities visit every year along with Punjabi students. the man is doing little but at least doing something other than criticising others on facebook and doing stupid dharnas.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
State are built on the hard work of the nation. Neither education nar Motorways. We never really think that pakistan is our country. It seems we are here to make some wealth by all means and will leave when we full our bank account. I can't see anyone loyal to the state of Pakistan.
You will not get anywhere without education especially science and engineering.Can a surgeon do surgery without education and special training? Can an unedcauted person make aeroplanes,trains,cars etc?.Poor education together with corruption and bad governance are the reasons why Pakistan is not progressing.The developed countries have very good education systems and good governance.That is the reason they are economically better off.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You will not get anywhere without education especially science and engineering.Can a surgeon do surgery without education and special training? Can an unedcauted person make aeroplanes,trains,cars etc?.Poor education together with corruption and bad governance are the reasons why Pakistan is not progressing.The developed countries have very good education systems and good governance.That is the reason they are economically better off.

Balochistan has no roads and people ride on donkeys. Without infrastructure you can even send children to school and neither you can motivate parents to get some interest in education. Can you name one single place which has no road links to rest of country but they have top class college and schools? I can bet you will not be able to find any anywhere in the world.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Schools exist in Baluchistan, even remote areas. The problem is corruption. Schools lie vacant, and teachers sit in Karachi, and draw salaries.

Army has now taken over much of the remote tribal areas, and is now running the education and health sectors over there. Army doctors and nurses run regular medical camps in all remote towns. School teachers now have to mark their attendance in army units in order to claim salaries. Civilian govts and political parties are bunch of turds, who are merely interested in commission based $hit, ala roads. Which reminds me, Baluchistan has the highest number of roads that are built, on paper!! No doubt all money goes to top politicians, and trickles down to low level patwaris. PMLN is a partner in Baluchistan govt, and is running the same crap over there that they have done in Punjab. Show a couple of big name projects, and siphon funds. Then burn records in order to erase evidence.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
تعلیم اور سڑک دونوں ضروری ہیں حکومت نے ساری توجہ سڑکوں پر مرکوز کی ہوئی ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Balochistan has no roads and people ride on donkeys. Without infrastructure you can even send children to school and neither you can motivate parents to get some interest in education. Can you name one single place which has no road links to rest of country but they have top class college and schools? I can bet you will not be able to find any anywhere in the world.
The problem in Pakistan is that only roads are being built.Everything else is being ignored.In Britain there were hardly any roads when universities like Oxford and Cambridge were built.People were travelling on foot ,by boat or on horse.The roads and railways were built after the industrial revolution.The reason is simple, industrial and agricultural goods needed to be transported between cities or to seaports for export.Most of the roads were built after the countries had provided health,education ,housing and jobs to their citizens.When a country has fast growing economy then roads and railways are very important for continual growth.Pakistan has very little money due to its weak economy and corruption.The roads are being built using borrowed money as a gimmick to win elections.Pakistanis seemed to be impressed more by roads than a good hospital or university.


Councller (250+ posts)
my salute to this brave brave are the hero of Pakistan....a big big salute from Punjab to you my nailed it...

Anonymous Paki

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Oh bahi ap kin logun say education ki demand kar rahay ho jin ki sari nasal UK men ho un ko educated society nahen ghulam chaieay hotay hain aur aj tak in ki yehe kosish rahe hay k iss awam ko ghulam he bana kar rahakha jaay .
