Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz

Zain Itrat

Minister (2k+ posts)
Ms. Maryam Nawaz Sharif,

I believed all mothers have the same heart. I thought the heartbeat of all mothers is synchronized. But, I was wrong. You proved me wrong. Yesterday, I was left staggered and disgusted by the pictures ostensibly signifying that you spearheaded the recent vilification campaign against SKMCH. For few moments, I couldn’t really get out of the disbelief of what I was witnessing. Being, a mother yourself, I couldn’t fathom the callousness of your heart. Immediately, I was punched by the series of questions: How can a mother even think of wounding the little kids battling cancer?

How can a mother be a source of jeopardizing the only institution that provides indiscriminate treatment to the cancer patients including kids as young as toddlers? How can a mother think of possibly depriving the impoverished parents the blessing of a free treatment of a terminal disease at a hospital that purely runs on charity? How can a mother be so indifferent to the pain of a mother whose child has to face the trauma of cancer?


SKMCH is erected by millions. It’s a home built by the commoners of Pakistan: children, elders, women, poor, beggars, peddlers and so on. How can a mother deride the noble act of millions and hurt someone’s home? How can a mother be so filled with poison and filth that she avenged the accusation of corruption charges against her, her father and her family by assaulting the only cancer hospital in the country? How can a mother be so full of pettiness, insensitivity, inhumanity and evil? I am still getting my head around all these questions and struggling to accept the truth that there can be an ugly side of a ‘mother’; and that only humans are capable of committing the most inhuman of acts betraying the sanity and shaming the humanity.


It was beyond shameful of you and your minions, enriched with mental sickness, to maliciously attack a credible charitable institution to settle your political scores and satisfy your giant ego.

From you, your party, your bunch of cronies, your party disciples and all those who have been orchestrating, supporting and condoning this disgraceful act must bear in mind that if we have no respect, no regard, no compassion and no civility (to show) for SKMCH then we must quit wondering why we are where we are today.

It was a reprehensible sight and I think it would stay with me as a nipping memory for some time to come. With absolutely no apologies, I lost all the respect I owed you for being a woman. For you have failed me as a mother.
I don’t know if it is worth wasting my words on you but, Ms. Maryam Nawaz Sharif, have a little heart!

Sheema Mehkar



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Hahha..its a..joke..Her child was take care by
the Massi..from start to end...M is so much care
of her body....agay ap khud hi samjh lo ke
maan ka jazba honey ke lia..sirf Operation
se .behoshi ki halat mien bacha paida karna
hi nahi ha..asal maan tu baad mien banti ha.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

i think withes don't have hearts, they have to sacrifice theirs and eat others. Bear in mind that this is just a rumor so witches can be a lot worse than presumed.

Haris Abbasi

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

شوکت خانم کو کسی کے دفاع کی ضرورت نہیں ہے .شوکت خانم میں موجود مریضوں کی ماؤں کی دعائیں ہی کافی ہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Is Maryam Nawaz's claim so far flung? ;) I don't think so. I think everyone in Pakistan is a thief and involved in some form of wrong doing. Its' easy to find dirt on Shakat Khanum. Any institution that involves massive amounts of cash flowing in and out into the world has some issues with its book keeping or some form of fraud at some point. Hell, I am sure some guy from Edhi foundation also embezzles cash here and there.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Mariam Nawaz is a witch just like Benzazir Bhutto.

Why the hell are they targeting the best Hospital in Pakistan?
Do they want that to close down as well. Then when people
get cancer they get treated on a metro bus.

Captain Safdar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Mariam Nawaz is a witch just like Benzazir Bhutto.

Why the hell are they targeting the best Hospital in Pakistan?
Do they want that to close down as well. Then when people
get cancer they get treated on a metro bus.

I m not a fan of Baynazeer but she herself was victim of character assassination by Meryam Nawaz's father and Grand Father (Zia ul Haq).


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Its Pmln's another anti national attempt to stop international standard cancer treatment provided to the citizens so they will have to go to india to get the treatment done. Obviously there is no other hospital in pakistan which resembles or even stand near to SKMH's machinery and expertise they provide. PMLN is indeed working on that agenda to destroy this country on the command of their Gods (americans and indians)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

اگر اب بھی کسی کو ان کی پاکستانیوں سے نفرت سمجھ نہیں ای تو حیرت ہے.
پاکستان سے پیسا لوٹنا پاکستان کی عوام ان کے ٹیکس سے بھی مستفید نہ ہوں اس کا اہتمام کرنا. توکیا یہ اتنے مال کی زکات بھی ادا کرتے ہوں گے؟.
ان حقیر لوگوں کے لیے کوئی بھی ڈھنگ کا ہسپتال نہ بنانا اور ان کی نظر میں عمران خان نے یہ کام کر کے ان کے غضب کو للکار لیا کے جن حقیر پاکستانیوں کو ہم کسی بھی بنیادی سہولت کے قابل نہیں سمجھتے تم کون ہوتے ہو ان کو بین اللاقوامی معیار کی صحت اور تعلیم کی سہولت مفت میں دینے کا سوچنے والے.اور بس یہ ہی خطا ہے عمران خان کی اور اس کی اسے جتنی سزا ملے وہ کم ہے
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

in nooni zardario ko itni sherm nhe k 1980 se Punjab pr qbza kr k bthy huye hy or 1 Hospital nhe bnaya, or pehly se mojud hospital ko hi sirf naam change kr k apni buht bri kamyaabi smjh liya.............or ye bayghrt SKMH pr bohtaan lga rhy hy :angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile:

chacha jani

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif



Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

No Comments [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]
Hahha..its a..joke..Her child was take care by
the Massi..from start to end...M is so much care
of her body....agay ap khud hi samjh lo ke
maan ka jazba honey ke lia..sirf Operation
se .behoshi ki halat mien bacha paida karna
hi nahi ha..asal maan tu baad mien banti ha.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

Is Maryam Nawaz's claim so far flung? ;) I don't think so. I think everyone in Pakistan is a thief and involved in some form of wrong doing. Its' easy to find dirt on Shakat Khanum. Any institution that involves massive amounts of cash flowing in and out into the world has some issues with its book keeping or some form of fraud at some point. Hell, I am sure some guy from Edhi foundation also embezzles cash here and there.

Then please find the dirt and point to it... don't makeup things like jhoota Rasheed about money being lost....In a lawful country laws are made and it is only natural for some wicked people to break the laws but the country is suppose to punish the law breakers and make an example of them. So anything can go wrong any where but if action is not being taken against the culprits then that system/institution/government is the main culprit.

I can keep stealing a dollar from a bank you are guarding every once in a while, but once you find out you are suppose to take action, if you don't then you are a culprit too. All non profits are public institutions running on public money unless completely self funded, so if any institution that collects donation (public money) is embezzling money then action is necessary from the so called public mandate people. If those same people with mandate are lying and making up things then they should be ashamed of their self.
And if everyone in Pakistan is a thief then what did your parents steal? And what type of wrong doing are they involved in? What did you steal? (don't take this personal, the point is that don't make up such blunt statements). I am proud of my parents that they taught me to never become a thief and never ever walk over other people's rights, and the way they showed me this is by never stealing and never doing wrong to someone purposely.

Zia Hydari

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

میرا کوئی گھر نہیں .
زین میاں
آپ کو کیا ہوگیا ہے جو مجھے ماں کے کردار میں کاسٹ کررہے ہو، ابھی تو میں جوان ہوں، میری تصاویر اخبارات میں دیکھنے سے تم کو اندزہ نہیں ہوتا ہے، ایسی کوئی بات نہیں ہے کہ اخبار والے اشتہارات کا کوٹہ بڑھانے کے لئے مجھے جوان دکھاتے ہیں۔
شوکت خانم کے متعلق تو تم جانتے ہو کہ وہ کس ہمیں بدنام کررہی ہے، وہ اس طرح لوگوں کو علاج فراہم کرتے ہیں کہ وہ سرکاری ہسپتال کو بر اکہنے لگے ہیں، ذرا سوچو ایسی باتوں سے ملک کی کتنی بدنامی ہوتی ہے۔
یہ لوگ باغیانہ خیالات رکھتے ہیں، پٹاوریوں کو برا بھلا کہتے ہیں، بھلا بتاؤ اگر پٹواری نظام نہ رہا تو جلسوں میں لوگ کون اکٹھے کرے گا؟ رانا ثناء اللہ سے تو امید نہیں ہے، بلکہ وہ مجھے حمزہ شہباز کی پارٹی کا بندہ لگتا ہے۔
تم کو ذرا بھی تمیز نہیں ہے کہ لڑکی کو کبھی عورت تو کبھی اماں کہتے ہو۔ شیخ رشید سے سبق سیکھو، وہ مجھے بچی کہتا ہے، میں آج بھی اپنے باپ کے گھر میں رہتی ہوں، میرا کوئی گھر نہیں ہے۔ ایسی کوئی مشین ایجاد نہیں ہوئی ہے کہ وہ مجھے جھوٹا ثانت کرسکے۔
تم نے وہ لطیفہ تو سنا ہوگا کہ۔۔۔۔
ایک بندہ گھر کے لیے ایک جدید روبوٹ لاتا ہے جو اور بہت سے کام کرنے کے علاوہ جھوٹ بولنے والے کو پٹاخ سے ایک تھپڑ بھی مارتا ہے۔
صبح کا وقت
بیٹا: ڈیڈی آج میں سکول نہیں جاؤں گا میرے پیٹ میں درد ہے ۔
پٹاخ خ خ خ
باپ : ہاہاہا دیکھا بیٹا تم نے جھوٹ بولا تو تمہیں روبوٹ نے تھپڑ لگایا آئندہ کبھی جھوٹ نہیں بولنا۔ میں جب بچہ تھا تو کبھی جھوٹ نہیں بولتا تھا۔
پٹاخ خ خ خ خ خ خ
ماں: ہاہاہاہا دیکھا منے کے ابا! آپ کا ہی بیٹا ہے جھوٹ کیسے نہ بولے۔!!!!
پٹاخ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ
نہیں نہیں مجھے ایسا روبوٹ نہیں خریدنا ہے، جو عورت کی عزت نہ کرتا ہوں، مجھے تو تم بھی اسی روبوٹ کے کزن لگتے ہو۔
آئندہ مجھے خط نہ لکھنا، ورنہ وہ حشر کروں گی، یاد ہے وہ بیکری والا لڑکا۔ ۔ ۔



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

And if everyone in Pakistan is a thief then what did your parents steal? And what type of wrong doing are they involved in? What did you steal? (don't take this personal, the point is that don't make up such blunt statements). I am proud of my parents that they taught me to never become a thief and never ever walk over other people's rights, and the way they showed me this is by never stealing and never doing wrong to someone purposely.
My Parents and Your Parents? They probably did indeed steal something. You can't live in Pakistan and not steal anything. Perhaps unknowingly, but hey - Its Pakistan. Accountability is next to nothing here. I am not my Parent - So I cannot speak for someone else; but I can deal in probabilities. Similarly Imran Khan has done his fair share of thieving as well. Parenting illegitimate children. All that donation money and you think nothing got pocketed by Mr Khan? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying its wrong; I am saying he hasn't dropped from heaven onto this planet. lol. There is a lot of dirt on him as well.

And its all good - I don't take things personally. I keep it real.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Maryam Nawaz Sharif, you have failed me as a mother | An Open Latter to Maryam Nawaz Sharif

My Parents and Your Parents? They probably did indeed steal something. You can't live in Pakistan and not steal anything. Perhaps unknowingly, but hey - Its Pakistan. Accountability is next to nothing here. I am not my Parent - So I cannot speak for someone else; but I can deal in probabilities. Similarly Imran Khan has done his fair share of thieving as well. Parenting illegitimate children. All that donation money and you think nothing got pocketed by Mr Khan? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying its wrong; I am saying he hasn't dropped from heaven onto this planet. lol. There is a lot of dirt on him as well.

And its all good - I don't take things personally. I keep it real.

My friends rumors are not facts... Please I request again point to the thing that you claim your parents stole and mine also stole? I should probably go to court and make sure you get hanged because you probably did kill someone. What is this probably? How come you are not sure? I am 100% sure I didn't steal anything from anyone... yay occasionally I must have picked up few dollars from the street, dropped by the original owner mistakenly.

If anything got pocketed by Kaptaan then please show evidence, don't make blunt statements just because... I never said Kaptaan is dropped from heaven, all his sins are his personal matter....did he steal my money? (all evidence points to NO NO NO) did he ever wrong me or the people of Pakistan? (all evidence points to NO NO NO). You want to turn that NO NO NO into yes on the basis of "Probably", even "Probably" is used when there is some evidence (not complete) pointing in the direction of wrong (but not showing wrong). So please don't use the word "Probably" without showing that tiny bit of evidence which gives rise to your Probability...

Someone's personal matter has got nothing do with you think I don't like Showbazz sharif because he has too many marriages? You think I care a damn about his personal life...NO, I see overwhelming evidence showing me the wrong doings of this Sharif Family (no probability here of them being corrupt, all evidence clearly shows their corruption.) There is a lot of dirt on Imran Khan's personal life, but if you show me dirt on his financial life, next time I'll show some self respect (which other parties' voters lack) and not vote for him or speak in favor of him.
And yes I believe he stole "ZERO" from the donation money (you think billionaires son-in-law at that time needed to go street to street to collect money and then only pocket some of it?)
