Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
دیکھئے مردان نے کیسے اپنے لیڈر عمران خان کا استقبال کیا
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May Allah give him the success and strength to fulfil his dream to make this country an independent progressive country, free of debt and a country whose premier can talk by looking into the eyes of the most powerful country's counterpart premier.... with self respect and dignity..... We want peace in Pakistan and peace with it's neighboring countries as well as rest of the world...….. Ameen.
Spoiler alert : Swabi Jalsa was much bigger than Mardan. Swabi is like a twin city to Mardan.
Usually when there is a Jalsa in Mardan, people from Charsada, Nowshera, Swabi and Peshawar come. However. jalsas in these two nearby places were HUGE.
May Allah give him the success and strength to fulfil his dream to make this country an independent progressive state, free of debt and a country whose premier while talking can look straight into the eyes of the most powerful country's premier.... with self respect and dignity..... We want peace in Pakistan and peace with it's neighboring countries as well as rest of the world...….. Ameen.
Spoiler alert : Swabi Jalsa was much bigger than Mardan. Swabi is like a twin city to Mardan.
Usually when there is a Jalsa in Mardan, people from Charsada, Nowshera, Swabi and Peshawar come. However. jalsas in these two nearby places were HUGE.
Toraa ruund ay ka sa.... khushal usaa patwariyano paashan
One of the best song zabrdast
i think Salman AhmedIt's a nice song. who sings it?
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