Let us pray for the end of terrorism in Pakistan in 2010


MPA (400+ posts)
If President Obama wished to end violence and terror in the world, he must try to find the root cause or the reasons that makes an ordinary man take up arms and become a terrorist and resort to violence. Tamil Tigers were engaged and who knows will continue violent struggle against Sri Lankan government. IRA killed thousand of British citizen in their struggle for the greater Ireland and the ambition is still alive and burning. Basque separatist are still killing and continuing with their bombing campaigns, which leads us to believe that individuals or groups, give them any name as you like, take up arms against those they consider as their oppressors in the past and in present. The "war on terror" is not a real war. Who is the enemy? Is the enemy everywhere including Tamil Tigers (Hindus), Tibet Resistance (Buddhists), Assam Resistance( Hindus), The Lord's Resistance Army (Christians) or just the Muslims? What about the PKK, the Kurdish separatists in Turkey, ETA, the Basque separatists, and the FARC, in Colombia? Why not go after terrorists every where and not to leave out the Zionist terrorists who have killed over one million innocent Palestinians? The Soviet Union called the Afghan mujahedeen guerrillas and "terrorists"; the West then called them "freedom fighters". If the word had been around in the 18th century the British government would have used it to describe the American "patriots" as bastards, terrorists, insurgents or another four letter word (fucking).

In Afghanistan, the Taliban or the Mujahedeen call them by any name or label as you wish are continuing with the same fight to liberate themselves from the illegal occupation of their homelnad that finished with the collapse Communism and expulsion of Soviet Union but the faces have changed. Now it is same Taliban fighting for the freedom of their people against the USA and its European allies.

It would appear that the West labels terrorist only those who threatens its economic, commercial and political interests and since the Muslim world has abundant natural resources and wealth, it has become a fertile ground for them to instigate, propagate, conspire and manipulate terrorism in order to accomplish their hidden agenda of taking over the Muslim world and create their political and economic hegemony. The present economic decline in the fortunes of Western countries, it has made it essential that they eliminate any threat that hinders their progress to occupy these lands. And, for the Taliban, it is a fight to liberate their land from the occupation of the infidels. How will we know when the "war" is over? When there are no more terrorists? There have been terrorists for hundreds of years. Terrorism is a tactic, not an enemy. The "war on terror" is a metaphor, like the "war on cancer" or the "war on poverty" or the "war on drugs." And how many of those "wars" have we won? President George W Bush as soon as he came into power, made a principle of declaring war on Islam and terrorists wherever he could find it. "Terrorism" was the word he invented to illegally invade Iraq and Afghanistan, to kill Muslims in hundreds of thousands and bully them around the world. The new missionaries of war in the White House, Whitehall or in any European capital want their world order at the cost of others' justice and discipline and dignity, and imperialism at any price and at cost of hundred of thousands of innocent human lives- mostly Muslims these days. There was no option for the weak Muslim nations because this new order envisaged by G W Bush and now carried on by president Obama has to be accepted by others or rejected at their peril.

I have always condemned violence and consider violent acts of stomach-churning atrocities anywhere as a disgrace to humanity, and a harsh reminder that terrorism in its indiscriminate pursuit destroys the best and the brightest in man. Violence breeds violence and if a sate or a group kills deliberately some ones child, mother, father, brother, sister or wipe out his entire family by firing cruise missiles or smart bombs, the cycle of violence will never end. I find the accusation by many that Islam is inclined to terrorism is a stupid terrorist way of thinking. These terrorists or freedom fighters, labelled according to one's choice are always motivated by the rage of injustice; suffering of their people and cruelty inflicted upon them, loss of dignity, and being deprived of their nationhood and land which rightly belonged to them. They see daily their entire families bombed and killed; their houses and cities bombed to rubble, and this ignominy of humiliation inflicted by their oppressors makes them violent. Look at the Zionist Israel and how it treats Palestinians and kills them for shooting practice.

Non-Muslims should refrain from using the word 'jihadis' so conveniently and ignorantly without understanding it correct meaning. Muslims must also understand that Islam advocates peace and calls it, "the path of places," and even Prophet Muhammad (SAW) subscribed to the concept of peace and waged no wars, rather he himself was subjected to violence and atrocities. According to the Quran, the ideal society is only that that is founded on peace that means, "House of peace," and harmony around you. Muslims of all ages should know the fact that teachings of Islam are based on good character building, educational activities, spiritual and intellectual enlightenment and above all, "Peace," which is the article of Islamic faith and those who do not follow the teachings of the Quran have failed Islam. Every good Muslim should always strive for peace even in the face of provocation and aggression because terrorism and violence breed hatred and triggers more violence and animosity amongst peoples.

Violence and terrorism cannot solve or sort out problems and if these suicide bombers or terrorists suffer from the misconception that by using violent means they could intimidate societies then it is their biggest folly. If they seek justice then it could only be achieved when there is peace. Peace cannot be achieved when there is violence and justice can only prevail when there is harmony and peace around us. In Islam, Jihad means struggle or strive but the struggle must be peaceful and never violent. I will tell my Muslim brothers and sisters that they can win hearts and minds of everybody in the world by spreading Islamic message of peace (AS-Salaam), love, harmony, hope and mercy by reflecting piety and righteousness in their deeds, The best in this world as well as in the Hereafter." Islam is all embracing mode of life; it is communal and prefers a socially pragmatic life and demands its adherents to worship collectively of one Allah (God). Islam lays emphasis on strictly personal responsibility and encourages development of an individual and yet asks all Muslim to invite all mankind to become one community. All believers become brothers and sisters without distinction of class, race, tongue or nationality and the only superiority, which it recognizes, is a personal one (taqwa) based on the greater piety.

The USA, Britain, India and Israel must be stopped from interfering into Pakistan internal affairs and trying to disintegrate it because of their economic, political and strategic vested interests. Though, America offers its hand in friendship to poor and begging nations but it is no body's friend at all. It wants the begging nations like Pakistan to stoop low and obey its orders as this PPP government is doing to survive daily on the regular hand outs. At the same time it is in the interest of USA, Israel and India that the nuclear power, Pakistan, became unstable, weak and disorganized so that it could break up into small states quickly; and to achieve that goal, they are helping insurgency and terrorism in Pakistan. The real enemies of Pakistan are directly and indirectly arming, training and financing terrorists inside and outside its borders to leash horrific death and destruction.

I would appeal to misguided Pakistani Talibans involved in suicide bombings and terrorism and killing their own innocent mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and children in thousands are not in any way helping or benefitting Islam but instead harming and disgracing it. They have become not only the enemies of Pakistanis but also of Islam. They have become a tool of death and destruction for the enemies of Pakistan and Islam. They are being used by our enemies for few dollars, pounds, euros, Israeli shekel and Indian rupees to harm and kill their own Muslims fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and children, and that is shameful and disgraceful, and against the teaching of Islam.
There is no doubt the US-govt is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. The objective is to put pressure on Pak. govt to do military actions in Pakistan and weakening Pakistan internally. The presence of Xe (former BlackWater) and DyanCorp is proof for this. The US embassy/consulates in Pakistan providing umbrella to US-agents in Pakistan.

