535778283220651 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=535778283220651
R Rameez Chaudhry Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #1 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=535778283220651 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/1441182_535777569887389_2734857592966769988_n.jpg?oh=c94a2c400749558d59643bdbc9a290b6&oe=54C604FD&__gda__=1422233556_f839a37c32074b9a7ddda4cd4bd0b1c5
A alisajid Senator (1k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #2 Javaid Miadad is the symbol of Karachi........Good to see him in karachi jalsa....
Zarb-e-Azb Minister (2k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #4 Meanwhile Geo must be capturing empty chairs at Islamabad Dharna to prove that there are no people
A aksh143 MPA (400+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #5 zarb-e-azb said: meanwhile geo must be capturing empty chairs at islamabad dharna to prove that there are no people Click to expand... lol hahaha - good one. I use to love geo - they didnt have to go so low against khan.
zarb-e-azb said: meanwhile geo must be capturing empty chairs at islamabad dharna to prove that there are no people Click to expand... lol hahaha - good one. I use to love geo - they didnt have to go so low against khan.
pkpatriot Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #7 There are around 2000 people here...PMLN statisticians/GEO
Captain Safdar Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #8 the reason MQM didn't stop them from Jalsa in Karachi because they cant stitch this many "Boreez" :P