Jang journalist Bhatti published article and contaccted PCB directly to express their concerns and warn establishment of the suspicious involvement of Indian lobby and their meetings with Pakistani players. PCB was warned that Indian lobby is trying to involve Pakistani players in match fixing but unfortunately NO ACTION WAS TAKEN, WHY???
Please watch Kamran khan show for further details.
enemies are always there to trap you, like what you people trying from 63 years.....
in this episode.....it is clearly proven that ...your people are on sale.........depends on price.....
dil..pakistan...kurban..........mere a nautanki...we enjoy that for free......keep doing that by speeches
majeed was associated with pak players and PCB( and dawood gang who do betting) for a while in sponsorship contracts.......he called captain bhutt on the spot...1st bowl of 3rd over and 6th ball of 10th over was planned.what else you people want to know????????
mohd amir went 1.2 km outside the crease ( in excitement of money) hahahha
what your players do......when they see indian palyers make minimum 15-20 million dollars a year (160-170 crore pakistani ruppees)
and they are been contracted like........KAM KE BADLE ANAAJ (food for play)..they will certainly do this.
this episode has proved that there are only 2 religion (functional) in this world......Poverty and prosperity..............
and people are ready to convert (despite of death sentence)
don't blame others for your INCOMPETENCY AND IMPOTENCY.