its hindustaan AGAIN



*The Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir has accused India of involvement in the terror attack against a Pakistani Shia procession yesterday

*India is involved in Karachi attack.The Fake Indo-American Taliban are working on a foreign agenda.The plan is a CIVIL WAR in Karachi.Plz foil this plan.

*The manner in which entire markets have been burned in Karachi confirms pre-planning.

*The Fake Pakistani Taliban have a huge Indian and CIA backing.Attacks by TTP are suspected to be supported by RAW and CIA

*The Pak Shias in Karachi DID NOT do the burning.This was done by Indian agents.
Karachi has long been the target of Indian terror.


Councller (250+ posts)
thatz true for sure!! The tragedy is that we all know these facts but we cant do anything apart from sitting before our screens and passing comments on it.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
It is not only india alone. This time [zardari] is involved with [altaf] .
JUST listen the speach of Zardari from Bhoto grave yard.
He is trying to fire up the complication in Pakistan to get sympathy.
He is trying to create situation that military should jump and he got sympathy. and then SC and military will be engaged. otherwise no way to save themselves from SC.


Its very well possible. India has been involved in many such activities in the past. Actually beneficiaries of such attacks are enemies of Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
:x :x :x

1. Taliban (both Afghan and Pak) are known to target Shia muslims.

2. Who formed Lashkar e Jhangvi and Sipah e Sahaba???
Gen. Zia ul Haq did encourage these organisations, didn't he?


Voter (50+ posts)
india will never do this. indai is peace loving country & never believe in violance.ur leader drag india in every incident becoz they know pakistani awaam can be fooled very easily in the name of india.


Minister (2k+ posts)
pakipowerboy said:
*The Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir has accused India of involvement in the terror attack against a Pakistani Shia procession yesterday

*India is involved in Karachi attack.The Fake Indo-American Taliban are working on a foreign agenda.The plan is a CIVIL WAR in Karachi.Plz foil this plan.

*The manner in which entire markets have been burned in Karachi confirms pre-planning.

*The Fake Pakistani Taliban have a huge Indian and CIA backing.Attacks by TTP are suspected to be supported by RAW and CIA

*The Pak Shias in Karachi DID NOT do the burning.This was done by Indian agents.
Karachi has long been the target of Indian terror.

Another example of disoriented Pakistanis blaming India for it and rest reacting to it.


hey ppboy
its seems that indian virus enter in ur mind and expended day by day :? .kool down man..why u drag india in every problem of pak and still u r busy to discover many problem in india.i know u have lot of spare time. ek kahavat to suni hogi khali deemag shaitaan ka ghar 8-)
boy i don,t want to comment in ur posts but ur sensless hystiria and non stop rubbish force me to do that.


Senator (1k+ posts)
This isn't ZEE or any other pathetic Indian channel where you can manipulate people and hide facts. Pakistanis are aware of their real enemy aka India.


Minister (2k+ posts)
digitalzygot said:
This isn't ZEE or any other pathetic Indian channel where you can manipulate people and hide facts. Pakistanis are aware of their real enemy aka India.
You guys have no other work in Pakistan or wherever you reside. Just wait for something to happen in Pakistan and blame India for it.

NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE OR HAPPEN BY BLAMING INDIA FOR EVERYTHING. YOU WILL STILL have bomb blast in Pakistan. The only thing you guys can do it is to do something to stop them. Catch the really enemies of Pakistan.



Senator (1k+ posts)
As we mentioned earlier stop wetting your pants. We won't forget and we are catching the bastards sponsored by India and prosecuting them


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
*** to the moderator: sorry that this got too long but any facts and history becomes long. I had to write this to expose the BS that our Indian posters put out here. I just cant take their ignorance and brainlessness anymore. *****

to all indians

ppboy is not disoriented at all, he is correct. There are plenty of evidene that India has been involved in terrorism since 1960, in the days of JL Nehru but it came to public in the war of 1965, when LB Shastri was the Indian PM. Before dying Nehru trained daughter, Indira, on politics and anti Pakistan enimity.
Here are some main points for our Indian friends. Perhaps this might change your opinion about our learned pakipowerboy:

1. 1968.... India politically terrorised Pakistan by inviting Sheikh Mujib to meet in Agartala, Tripura, India. The PM Gandhi indoctrinated Sheikh Mujib of the bangladesh and independent Bangalis, The two culprit devised terrorist plans agains Pak and painted rosey picture to Mujib about how glorious the new coutry, Bangladsh, would be. They two agreed to initiate subversive ativities against the state of Pakistan. At this time, Indira gandhi wanted to take revenge for 1965 defeat from Pakistan. Mujib was already having trouble with Ayub Khan govt, the Indira's rosey picture of new Bangladesh convinced him to become a de facto agent of India

2. In mid 1970, Indira Gandhi, concocted a plan to ban Pakistani air flight from West Pakistan to East Pakistan. She found two Indian Muslim men, Mustafa Qureshi, and other man was Saleem Qureshi (if my memory serves me correctly). These two men, actually Indian recruited, hired and trained terrorists hijacked an Air India flight over Pakistani space. These two men commandeered the plane on Pakistani ground. Then hopeful and extremely popular ZA Bhutto, fell for the Indian scheme and visited these two terrorists and hailed them as heroes, not realising they were actually a decoy set up by Indira Gandhi
3. In 1971, Mujib went to Delhi to meet Indira, and the news was, right or wrong that Mujib told her that he was ready to give up his separation of Pakistan into Bangladesh if he was made prime minister of Pakistan. For those who are young or do not know, Mujib was freely elected as the head of Pakistan in perhaps first-ever hold fair and free election. Yahya Khan even called him Mr Prime Minister at Dacca airport. What else happened in 1971 dues to the terrorist Indira Gandhi and General Manik Singh, in charge of Operation Bangladesh, requires a lengthy discussion that is not the subject of this forum post.
4. Some times in mid 70s Sunjay Gandhi planned and promoted forced sterilization of Muslims men in India. His goal was to reduce the ever increasing populations of Muslims. Subsequently Allah sided with Muslims and Sunjay wis mysteriously killed in a chopper accident. Muslims in India had reason to take sigh of relief. Sunjay was the dearest baby child of Indira Gandhi.
5. Sikhs in India started getting oppressed by the Hindus, specially the Brahans (Mr Gandhi was a Brahman) and decided to take advantage of the Bangladesh case. They got holed up in their temple in Amritsar with cache of weapons. It sholdnt take a rocket scientist to conclude that this event extremely disturbed Mrs Gandhi
6. Soon after that, and since Mrs Gandhi was a puppet of Soviet Union to whom US did not want to be tangled with, enjoyed popularity and respect from nations such UK, US, and other European countries. US and UK left her alone to deal with the holed up Sikhs at her own wisdom. In the end, she ordered a complete massacre of those 2000 Sikhs inside the temple. No nation accused her of genocide, or massacre or murders since she was the Prime Minister of the largest democrazy (yes with a z) vis a vis India, even though real democracy does not exist in India, except for the voting democracy but not a functional democracy.
7. In 1984, Mrs Gandhi called a conference of all elites of security department, including RAW chief and lieutenants. In early 1985, they presented a plan to her that detailed how to implicate peace loving Sikhs in Canada- this accomplishing tow thingsdestabilise the Sikhs community in Canada and shelf the separation of Indian Punjab into Khalistan. This plane included a ruthless and reckless murder of innocent Indian people in Tokyo, Japan.
They recruited a Sikh fellow from Vancouver, BC, Canada to carry out the heinous and atrocious act of terror approved by Mrs. Gandhi. The Sikh Canadian ( the man) took the responsibility of do the planting of bomb in Air India flight to Tokyo and nitty gritty details. The man had actually planned to detonate a bomb in that flight when the plane had reached its destination, Tokyo AFTER the flight had landed and all passengers disembarked the plane, hence reducing the number of passenger casualty.
BUT unfortunately the flight was two hour late in the air and exploded prematurely over the ocean before reaching the destination.
8. Allah listened to the cry of innocent people 2000 Sikhs and over 200 passengers, She was assassinated by a Sikh personal security officer of her.
9. In 1992, Hindu terrorist and supporters of the VHP, the Shiv Sena party and the BJP tore down Babri Mosque in Ayodha prompting nationwide rioting between Hindus and Muslims in which more than 2,000 people died.

10. Nov 26, 2008. Indian agency, RAW recruited an innocent Hindu man and labeleld him as Pakistani Muslim, named Ahmad Kassab. the reason I say he is a Hindu is that he was, in his first pic published, he was wearing rakhi bundhan thread on his hand. Now e all know Muslims do not celebearate Rakhi. Now its a proven fact that this sensless massacre was as a result of strife between two Indian warring agencies and had absolutley no moral, traing, or financial support from Pakistan.
i am really amzed or perhaps amused too how Indian official have become so expert that within 30 min of the attack, the investigation was completed and Pakistan was blamed. Unless it was all rehearsed. It might be worthwhile noting that, as I read in media, he was grabbed A DAY BEFORE, (as he said to the judge) the bombing. dont you all think Inidans are very eductaed and expert in forensics and stuff that even Scotland Yard, metropol, and the CIA arent? I am laughing at the ridiculous officials
Conclusion: Before our Indian friends start shooting their mouths off how loving, peaceful (and all the other BS) their country is, they should consider these facts and deicide using their inner conscience, and tell us if you still think that your county is a peace loving country. If you still conclude that India IS a peace loving country then, unfortunately, I must conclude also that you lack conscience, education, and willingness to accept the truth and facts

Gazoo Martian
Future (InshaAllah) Khalifa of Pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
gazoomartian said:
to jimpak,

are you familiar with the phrase ' If the shoe fits wear it'?? :lol:

Gazoo Martian

You can go on with your conspiracy theories just like a headless chicken.

Bla bla bla bla bla


Senator (1k+ posts)
I agree that the looting and setting ablaze of vehicles and buildings were done by foreign intelligence agents (who are actually local Pakistanis but on Indian/Mossad/CIA payroll). The same thing was done after Benazir was murdered. The suicide bombing was done by a local Pakistani who believed that he would go to heaven if he killed more and more people in the Ashura procession. Now, who is providing this money, whether is Saudi Arabia, India or Israel, we cant say for sure. But, its definitely one of these three countries. Saudis are known to have provided money for Shia killings in the past. Indian agents are also known for killing Muslims of different sects to create chaos.