Islamic State militants behead captive Lebanese soldier: video

Mullah Omar

Minister (2k+ posts)
I have not given any justification for attack on Lebanese soldiers by ISIS/Nusra Front. You are falsely twisting my words. Read my last sentence again about ISIS. This is true for Nusra Front as well:

ISIS is a terrorist group and concocts excuses to murder people in the name of religion.
Capturing their men is enough justification for them to retaliate. Doesn't matter if you like to accept this or not. You support states that have murdered thousands of innocent people so you have no right to oppose ISIS anyways.


MPA (400+ posts)
I have every right to oppose and condemn murderers and thugs be it ISIS or anyone else. ISIS is a terrorist group which justifies killing, looting, kidnapping and extortion based on their whims.
Capturing their men is enough justification for them to retaliate. Doesn't matter if you like to accept this or not. You support states that have murdered thousands of innocent people so you have no right to oppose ISIS anyways.

Mullah Omar

Minister (2k+ posts)
I have every right to oppose and condemn murderers and thugs be it ISIS or anyone else. ISIS is a terrorist group which justifies killing, looting, kidnapping and extortion based on their whims.
You're a hypocrite and what you say about ISIS is complete BS.


Uncle jeee don't act stupid.....

Understand the word kafir and there working. Ur love for isis is based on hate for others .. or all those who don't look or feel like u ....

Understand the way pigs live there lives... Same for isis there action is as close to what pigs do.

Nothing ur kind do is helping Muslim.

U kind is just a dark cloud .....

And an insult to Islam and humanity.

The problem with these people is that they have been TORTURED,RAPED & MASSACRED now the Payback time has come.



Senator (1k+ posts)
Lebanese army detained a terror brigade commander on their soil. In retaliation ISIS attacked and kidnapped Lebanese soldiers. Since ISIS is a terrorist group hence they come up with any excuse to murder anyone who doesn't agree to their whims.
For your info Labenese army is working under Hezbollat directions and is responsible for not only civilian killings directly but also for protecting Shi'a militias involved with across the border aggression. just a sample:
[h=1]Syria Daily, August 5: Fears that Dozens of Refugees Killed after Lebanon Armys Bombardment[/h]A Lebanese security official says a 24-hour ceasefire between the Lebanese army and gunmen probably from the Islamic State began on Tuesday night in the border town of Arsal.

The official said the truce, from 7 p.m. (1600 GMT), was for a mediator to investigate the fate of 22 Lebanese soldiers missing and presumed captured since attackers entered Arsal on Saturday.

This time will also be used to evacuate civilians who were wounded or who need help. It is like a humanitarian ceasefire, the source said.

A Syrian activist in the town said the shelling had stopped: There is an uneasy calm. A cleric said the clashes had stopped but sounds of occasional bombardment could still be heard.

Sources said several Islamic State fighters, including a commander in charge of booby traps and explosives, had been killed in Arsal.

Sixteen Lebanese troops have died and 86 have been wounded. Scores of civilians in Arsal and a nearby refugee camp have been killed or injured, most by bombardment by the Lebanese military.

UPDATE 1750 GMT: Video apparently showing the Lebanese Army allowing Hezbollah convoys to pass freely through checkpoints en route to Arsal:

UPDATE 1400 GMT: The insurgent Syrian Revolution General Commission claims that 29 civilians have been killed and more than 200 refugees have been wounded in clashes in Arsal and bombardment of the nearby camp.

The SRGC says that, in addition to artillery attacks, the Lebanese army and Hezbollah positioned several snipers surrounding camps who then fired on civilians, killing and wounding some of them as Syrian helicopters hovered overhead.

The Commission further claims that three members of a reconciliation commission, including two Sunni sheikhs, were wounded late Monday night when Hezbollah members fired on their car.
Fighting continued Monday in the town, with hundreds of Army reinforcements joining the attempt to remove the armed men. Soldiers reported that the militants were setting off explosions from captured military vehicles.

The Army claimed that it found the bodies of 50 militants when it moved on the town on Monday. It did not report any casualties from the camp.

However, images from the camp showed blazes in the aftermath of what appeared to be artillery strikes. Well-placed sources say that members of the Islamist faction Jabhat al-Nusra were in the camp, but were not confronting Lebanese forces instead they were trying to give assistance and first aid to civilians.

Thousands of families fled Arsal during a pause in fighting on Monday, but those in the camp cannot move. The Lebanese Red Cross has not been able to reach any wounded civilians.

More than one-third of the estimated 1.1 million Syrian refugees are in the Bekaa Valley.

Any casualties in the camp are unlikely to stem fighting. The Lebanese Cabinet met in an emergency session on Monday and ruled out negotiations with the gunmen in Arsal.

There is no political solution with extremist groups who are manipulating the Arab communities under religious obscurantism and strange titles, seeking to transfer their sick acts into Lebanon, Prime Minister Tammam Salam said in a televised statement. Today, the only solution is the withdrawal of the gunmen from Arsal and its surroundings.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry proclaimed its support for the military operations, saying the Assad regime stands with the Lebanese Army and stands in solidarity with them in dealing with terrorist groups and eliminating them.


MPA (400+ posts)
Current issue is bloody retaliation of ISIS/Nusra Front terrorists against Lebanese army - as Lebanese army held a terrorist leader. You are trying to deceive by uttering statement like "Lebanese army working under Hezbollah's direction". This skirmish between the two has nothing to do with Lebanese army's cooperation (or competition) with Hezbollah.

Fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and affiliated extremist groups seized Arsal on Friday after Lebanese security forces arrested one of their leaders in the town. The Islamic State fighters also took an unspecified number of hostages, including Lebanese police officers. It was the first time that the group, an offshoot of Al Qaeda that has played an increasingly important role in the Syrian civil war and that seized parts of northern Iraq in June, had occupied part of Lebanon.
Hezbollah has denied assertions that it was helping the Lebanese security forces that have besieged Arsal.

In a statement, Hezbollahs press office said, What is happening on the ground regarding the military situation and the protection of the people and confronting the terrorist insurgents is exclusively the responsibility of the Lebanese Army, and Hezbollah did not interfere.
New York Times

The civilian killing that you mentioned occurred AFTER ISIS/Nusra Front leader's detention when terrorists gangsters attacked on Lebanese check posts. These unfortunate civilians were killed when Lebanese army fired mortars at a refuge camp where it was believed that terrorists were hiding. You are twisting facts blatantly.

For your info Labenese army is working under Hezbollat directions and is responsible for not only civilian killings directly but also for protecting Shi'a militias involved with across the border aggression. just a sample:
Syria Daily, August 5: Fears that Dozens of Refugees Killed after Lebanon Armys Bombardment

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