India to develop 600km Brahmos cruise missile !!!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Indias firepower capability is set to get a big boost as India and Russia are jointly developing a new generation of Brahmos missiles with 600 km-plus range. The missile can hit projected targets with very high degree of accuracy.

The upgrade will bring all of Pakistan within the range of missiles high explosive or nuclear warheads.


The longer range BrahMos missile will also be able to attack more Peoples Liberation Army bases in the interior of Tibet.
BrahMos range was limited to just 290 kilometers, because Russia, the co-builder of the missile, was a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) at the time BrahMos was being developed in the 1990s and India wasnt.

The MTCR, which now consists of 35 nations, forbids its members from selling, jointly producing or exporting missiles with a range in excess of 300 km. India became the newest member of the MTCR club last June 28 meaning it can now develop but not export missiles with a range exceeding 300 km.

The biggest advantage of BrahMos is its ability to take down specific targets, making it a potential game changer in any conflict with Pakistan.

BrahMos is a cruise missile which makes it similar to a pilot-less fighter jet that can be maneuvered in flight, programmed to attack targets from any angle and evade enemy missile defence systems.

The missile is especially useful in taking down terror camps or hideouts even in mountain areas.

The Pakistani military is extremely worried about BrahMos as it maintains supersonic speed and performs an evasive S-maneuver shortly before impact, making it difficult to shoot down at close range. It is also very difficult to detect and intercept.

The current speed of the missile is Mach 3 (3,700 km/h) and the newest version will double this speed to Mach 7 (8,600 km/h).

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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Pakistan should develop a missile shield defence system to shoot (s500) type incoming missile over it's air space before hitting their targets


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It is not Endians own. Russia provided them this tech in past.
But China has developed already Brahmos killer and soon Pakistan will get this tech.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Yes our elite should start thinking(+ generals) of missile defences for 1st time instead only retaliation firing

Shahid Abassi

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I remember in 1971 I was living in sukkur. Indian jets tried to bomb Auyb bridge, kenchi pull and Sukkur barrage but did not succeed even once in multiple trys. On the edge of the river their was a mazar of an unknown babaji. And there was a conspiracy theory that babaji made it impossible for indian pilots who reported that they saw tens of bridges floating and could not find out which was the real one which they had to hit :-)

We just need many more of these babaji mazars, don't you think.


Voter (50+ posts)
Shahid Abassi;[URL="tel:4262829" said:
4262829[/URL]]I remember in 1971 I was living in sukkur. Indian jets tried to bomb Auyb bridge, kenchi pull and Sukkur barrage but did not succeed even once in multiple trys. On the edge of the river their was a mazar of an unknown babaji. And there was a conspiracy theory that babaji made it impossible for indian pilots who reported that they saw tens of bridges floating and could not find out which was the real one which they had to hit :-)

We just need many more of these babaji mazars, don't you think.

india has got bigger babajis, local babas are nothing infront of khwaja gharib nawaz ajmeri
chishti nizamuddin aulia.
it is better to live peacefully,


Voter (50+ posts)
AntiTraitors;[URL="tel:4262736" said:
4262736[/URL]]Yes our elite should start thinking(+ generals) of missile defences for 1st time instead only retaliation firing

Pahle dunia ke samne haath phaila kar bheekh mangna band kare, apni democracy ko stable kare, army ka interference band kare,
ummah ka mama banana band kare , sub kuchh thik ho jayega .


Voter (50+ posts)
PkRevolution;[URL="tel:4262734" said:
4262734[/URL]]It is not Endians own. Russia provided them this tech in past.
But China has developed already Brahmos killer and soon Pakistan will get this tech.

china is not your mama , he will charge heavily for any junk it gives to us.
china is worse than american mamu.
redsalute;[URL="tel:4262870" said:
4262870[/URL]]india has got bigger babajis, local babas are nothing infront of khwaja gharib nawaz ajmeri
chishti nizamuddin aulia.
it is better to live peacefully,

biggest and latest baba ji of Pakistan is Baba MUMTAJ QADRI ,
pakistan zindabad
