In Session 8th August 2010 - Haider Abbas Rizvi and Shahi Syed {Karachi, looking for peace}


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Minister (2k+ posts)
First of All, I salute you Miss Asma Ch. to show the courage to go in affected areas and even to talk at least one Pakhtoon Family and air that lady Zarina is question: WHO WILL LOOK AFTER MINE FIVE CHILDREN, I think Mighty Lord's Throne may have trembled to hear that cry. Her husband was not a party worker but mere a laborer like 80 others who have been butchered by BARBARIANS. Well done Asma, may Allah give you more courage and protection and show all affected families without any exception, so that people should know who the killed were!!!!! The victims brothers have openly accused Mohajirs for the killing of their brother. The people of Orangi Town in interview are of different ethnicity, there were Pushtoon, Mohajir, Baluchis, so understandably only there is one Jammat who is claiming to have the mandate of 80% of Karachi whose militant groups (barbarians) are engaged in this Karachi-holocaust.
The thesis of "Talbanization", Land Mafia, Drug Mafia in the present of claimed and visible 80% mandate, and having all government machinery in their hands and control is far fetched story and does not co-relate to Truth. The other fear which is being spread that if "Karachi destablizes", whole Pakistan destablizes is nothing but a tactic to keep Damocles sword over Pakistani people. The Karachi menace has solution and remedy but that is not suiting the ruling elite whose own interests seems to be more worthy than 100 plus lives and millions of affected families.

Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)

I don't think this was a well produced program at all. Asma Chaudhry just visited one area where she collected only one sided opinion which is not even authentic as the residents of the area clearly said that the killers were wearing masks. They just predicted that the killer were "Muhajirs" in the flow of the environment. I don't think anyone should trust this type of biased and one sided reporting. These ethnic words could easily be edited but I think there was a purpose behind leaving it as it is. I personally hate when media groups publicize nationalities on their shows. We should differentiate between killers and diff. nationalities. We all are Pakistanis while a killer is a killer he does not belong to any nationality.

Asma Chaudhry could have visited Urdu speaking areas where I am sure she would have found totally different stories (I am posting few for record). Everyone knows about hidden hands behind targeted killing of Karachi. There are several groups actively grabbing land and trafficking drugs and in order to protect themselves they are trying to engage law enforcement agencies, political groups and media. The need is to expose them and bring them to justice else otherwise killing incidences will never come to end.

There are more than 80% population of Urdu speakers live in Karachi majority voting for MQM and if this is the situation which Asma Chaudhry trying to show was true then you would not even find a single non Urdu speaking individual in Karachi. My half of the family members happily live there and doing there businesses in between Urdu speaking populace where they have no problem at all whereas their factory has been illegally occupied by ANP area leader. (this is the other side of story)

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
شاہی سید نے پورے وقت ایک مرتبہ بھی کراچی کے ان سلگتے ہوئے بنیادی مسائل پر گفتگو نہیں کی:۔

۔۱۔ اسلحہ کا کھلے عام کاروبار۔ جو لوگ الآصف سکوائر اور سہراب گوٹھ میں راکٹ لانچرز اور دیگر مہلک اسلحہ خرید رہے ہیں، تو وہ سجانے کے لیے تو نہیں خریدا جا رہا۔ اور پھر ایک دن آئے گا جب یہی لوگ، کہ جنہیں یہ اسلحہ آج نظر نہیں آتا، وہ لال مسجد کی طرح آ جائیں گے کہ جب لال مسجد کے تہہ خانوں میں بارود کے ڈھیر جمع کیے جا رہے تھے تو کیا حکومت سو رہی تھی؟

کراچی کے خراب حالات کے بھی یہی منافق لوگ ذمہ دار ہیں۔

مہاجروں کے پاس تو اسلحے کے نام پر ایک پستول تک نہیں ہوتی تھی، مگر کئی دھائیوں تک سہراب گوٹھ میں کھلے عام اسلحے کا غیر قانونی کاروبار ہوتا رہا اور سہراب گوٹھ سے مہاجروں کی ریلی پر فائرنگ ہوئی، پھر قصبہ کالونی کا سانحہ ہوا اور پھر پکا قلعہ ہوا، اور پھر یہی اسلحے لیکر یہ لوگ لینڈ مافیا بن گئے اور کئی دھائیوں سے یہ لوگوں کی زمینوں پر ناجائز قبضے کر رہے ہیں۔

ان سب حالات کے ری ایکشن میں ہی مہاجر مسلح ہوئے۔

اور ذمہ دار ہیں وہ تمام منافقین جنہیں آج بھی صرف اور صرف متحدہ کے ہاتھوں میں اسلحہ نظر آتا ہے، مگر سہراب گوٹھ کا اسلحہ نظر آیا، اور نہ اس پر کبھی انکے منہ سے احتجاجا کوئی لفظ نکلا۔

اور منافقت کی انتہا وہ تھی جب 1992 سے لیکر 1999 کے طویل عرصے تک صرف اور صرف مہاجروں کے خلاف آپریشن کر کے ہزاروں معصوموں کو ماورائے عدالت قتل کر دیا گیا، مگر سہراب گوٹھ کا نو گو ایریا ویسے کا ویسے ہی جگمگاتے ہوئے امن الفتن بن کر اپنے فتنے کو کراچی کے ہر حصے میں پھیلاتا رہا۔

پرویز مشرف کے پورے دور میں کراچی میں ترقی کا دور دورہ رہا اور کوئی ٹارگٹ کلنگز نہیں ہوئیں۔ وجہ صاف تھی کہ نہ حقیقی کے دہشتگردوں کو کھلی چھٹی ملی ہوئی تھی اور نہ عمران خان اور جماعت اسلامی آ کر حقیقی کے قاتل دہشتگردوں کی پیٹھ ٹھونکتے تھے اور نہ ہی اے این پی کے غنڈوں کو کھلی چھٹی ملی ہوئی تھی۔

کراچی کا مسئلہ یہ کئی دھائیوں کی لاقانونیت ہے کہ جہاں ایک گروہ تو پاکستان کے آئین کو مانتا ہے اس کے مطابق زندگی گذارتا ہے، ٹیکسز دیتا ہے، بجلی و پانی کے بل بھرتا ہے۔۔۔۔ مگر اسی شہر کا ایک حصہ پاکستانی قانون سے ماوراء بنا ہوا ہے، جو کبھی کوئی ٹیکسز نہیں دیتا، جو کبھی بجلی و پانی کے نام پر کوئی بل نہیں بھرتا، جو برائیوں کے ام الفتن ہے، جہاں اسلحہ ہے، جہاں ڈرگز ہیں، جہاں لینڈ مافیا ہے جو دوسرے لوگوں کی زمینوں پر زبردستی قبضے کرتا ہے ۔ حتی کہ ایم کیو ایم کے ایم این اے کے گھر تک پر قبضہ کر کے بیٹھ گیا۔

جب تک لوگ ان بنیادی مسائل سے اندھے بہرے منافق بنے بیٹھے رہیں گے، اُس وقت تک کراچی میں نفرتیں ختم نہیں ہوں گی بلکہ بڑھتی رہیں گی۔

کراچی کے مسائل کا صرف ایک حل ہے، اور وہ ہے قانون کی حاکمیت، جس کا ایک بہتر نمونہ جناب پرویز مشرف کے دور میں دیکھنے میں آیا تھا۔ اگرچہ کہ پرفیکٹ نہیں تھا، مگر پھر بھی بہت بہتر تھا۔ پیپلز پارٹی سندھ کی حکومت نے اہلیان کراچی سے پھر مصطفی کمال چھین لیا اور لالہ افضل صاحب کو لا کر بٹھا دیا۔ نہ پولیس اہلیان کراچی کے ہاتھ میں ہے اور نہ کسی اور ایک بھی ادارے کا کنٹرول۔ بلکہ انکی قسمت کے مالک یا تو مرکزی حکومت میں بیٹھی نواز شریف اور پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومتیں ہیں، یا پھر سندھ کی حکومتیں۔

شاہی سید صاحب، آپ کہتے ہیں طالبان کراچی میں کچھ نہیں کر سکتی۔ مگر طالبان نے تو کھل کر کراچی میں لوگوں کو قتل کیا ہے، محرم اور چہلم کے جلوسوں میں بم حملے کیے ہیں، اغوا برائے تاوان سے لیکر بینک لوٹنے تک سب جرائم میں ملوث ہیں۔۔۔۔ مگر اے این پی کے شاہی سید کہتے ہیں کہ طالبان سے کوئی خطرہ نہیں۔ انکو طالبان سے کوئی خطرہ نظر آتا ہے اور نہ لینڈ مافیا سے اور نہ سہراب گوٹھ کے اسلحہ مافیا سے۔ برائی نظر آتی ہے انہیں تو صرف مہاجروں میں کہ جن بے چاروں کے پاس پکا قلعہ آپریشن ہونے تک سرے سے کوئی اسلحہ تک نہیں تھا۔


Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
کراچی کا مسئلہ یہ کئی دھائیوں کی لاقانونیت ہے کہ جہاں ایک گروہ تو پاکستان کے آئین کو مانتا ہے اس کے مطابق زندگی گذارتا ہے، ٹیکسز دیتا ہے، بجلی و پانی کے بل بھرتا ہے۔۔۔۔ مگر اسی شہر کا ایک حصہ پاکستانی قانون سے ماوراء بنا ہوا ہے، جو کبھی کوئی ٹیکسز نہیں دیتا، جو کبھی بجلی و پانی کے نام پر کوئی بل نہیں بھرتا، جو برائیوں کے ام الفتن ہے، جہاں اسلحہ ہے، جہاں ڈرگز ہیں، جہاں لینڈ مافیا ہے جو دوسرے لوگوں کی زمینوں پر زبردستی قبضے کرتا ہے ۔ حتی کہ ایم کیو ایم کے ایم این اے کے گھر تک پر قبضہ کر کے بیٹھ گیا۔

This confirms my above comment.
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Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
Karachi Gulshan-e-Iqbal Editor Financial Post Qudsiya Kadri revealing Some fact about Grabbing by ANP Terrorist who remain drunk and harass the residence and pressurize them to sell their flats at very cheap rate. Even the local Pashtun & Pathan are leaving Mekasa apartment, Girls are kidnapped & raped by ANP student wing terrorist in Karachi. Target Killing in Karachi ANP MQM



Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistan 1st and Mewish Ali,
U r just repeating "Altafnama" and this is your(MQM fellas) strategy that no sooner did anyone talks which goes against MQM philosophy, u starts bombing the thread without any logic or reason. The video posted by you, everyone knows their reality. Enough hearing of Land-Grabbing, Drug Mafia, Talibaan, if they are, then they are under the protection and patronage of 80% representation.

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistan 1st and Mewish Ali,
U r just repeating "Altafnama" and this is your(MQM fellas) strategy that no sooner did anyone talks which goes against MQM philosophy, u starts bombing the thread without any logic or reason. The video posted by you, everyone knows their reality. Enough hearing of Land-Grabbing, Drug Mafia, Talibaan, if they are, then they are under the protection and patronage of 80% representation.

What do you say about my Videos, Dear :D


Minister (2k+ posts)
Karachi Gulshan-e-Iqbal Editor Financial Post Qudsiya Kadri revealing Some fact about Grabbing by ANP Terrorist who remain drunk and harass the residence and pressurize them to sell their flats at very cheap rate. Even the local Pashtun & Pathan are leaving Mekasa apartment, Girls are kidnapped & raped by ANP student wing terrorist in Karachi. Target Killing in Karachi ANP MQM
All this drama was pre or post raza murder era. If Pre then where was MQM 80percent representation and having all government machinery? False Lies have no legs to stand upon.

OH Bhai, one programme of Asma is difficult for your to swallow?


Minister (2k+ posts)
What a propaganda to cover up all Killings in Karachi:

a) MQM, since the day of inception, ALMOST ALL THE TIME, have been in power;
b) Musharraf Ten years of rule was in fact, a rule of MQM not only in Karachi but everwhere.
c) They had Ministry of Interior of Sind in their pocket?

From where this non-sense of Land Grabbers, Drug Mafia etc came. Definitely then it was under the patronage of MQM.

Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistan 1st and Mewish Ali,
U r just repeating "Altafnama" and this is your(MQM fellas) strategy that no sooner did anyone talks which goes against MQM philosophy, u starts bombing the thread without any logic or reason. The video posted by you, everyone knows their reality. Enough hearing of Land-Grabbing, Drug Mafia, Talibaan, if they are, then they are under the protection and patronage of 80% representation.

I may be inclining towards MQM as the facts falling towards MQM...

First of all I don't represent MQM so I have nothing to do with MQM and its philosophy. However facts are facts and I keep my eyes and brain open to absorb any reality eventhough it sometime goes against my personal opinion. Unfortunately on this forum where ever I tried to say something right I eventually blamed to be a supporter of MQM etc. We should not corner a party or a community just because we don't belong to them. MQM is a reality and having heavy mandate from Urban and rural Sindh and now Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Also they are equally popular in Punjab and actively working on smaller scale. They are same Pakistanis as we are. They have some concern and loyalty with Pakistan which we have. You believe or not its up to you but the Karachi's biggest problem is that Karachi's police does not belong to Karachi while all over Pakistan policeman are appointed from the communities live in the area. When police would not own the city how can it protects the city?
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Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
All this drama was pre or post raza murder era. If Pre then where was MQM 80percent representation and having all government machinery? False Lies have no legs to stand upon.

OH Bhai, one programme of Asma is difficult for your to swallow?

LOL, Why are you diverting it to the Murder Case of Raza Haider Bhai?? :D, I know you have no guts to tackle it. What do you say She is another paid scum of MQM?? LOL or Is it not an authentic allegations??

Same Statement for you !!

OH Bhai, this Video is difficult for your to swallow?

Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
What a propaganda to cover up all Killings in Karachi:

From where this non-sense of Land Grabbers, Drug Mafia etc came. Definitely then it was under the patronage of MQM.

If you don't know than watch this......come to debate (if you want) once you finish these videos and the videos posted posted above...


Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
What a propaganda to cover up all Killings in Karachi:

a) MQM, since the day of inception, ALMOST ALL THE TIME, have been in power;
b) Musharraf Ten years of rule was in fact, a rule of MQM not only in Karachi but everwhere.
c) They had Ministry of Interior of Sind in their pocket?

From where this non-sense of Land Grabbers, Drug Mafia etc came. Definitely then it was under the patronage of MQM.

After the Starting Operation in K.P with massive Power by our Great Army then These talibans and banned out fits was decided come to Karachi and there ANP is Providing fully support to grabs these lands in Karachi. Plz, Watch my Videos Once again for more clarifications !!

Who is goanna Sole Beneficiary of Target Killing in Karachi ????? Question & Answer



Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan 1st and Mewish Ali,
U r just repeating "Altafnama" and this is your(MQM fellas) strategy that no sooner did anyone talks which goes against MQM philosophy, u starts bombing the thread without any logic or reason. The video posted by you, everyone knows their reality. Enough hearing of Land-Grabbing, Drug Mafia, Talibaan, if they are, then they are under the protection and patronage of 80% representation.

Your little note was pretty good itself , very true that the host of this show , showed a lotta courage . Your analysis of the show are right on!! I have a little suggestion though. Say what you have to say , how you honestly feel , don't even try to convince the one typical mindset , one chances are one in 10 million for it to work.Two , it's not even worth it . This is the first time I have seen something written by you and I like it . I have voiced and opinion earlier a well ... "ignore the typical mindset" and keep doin what u do better ....a neutral analysis without expecting "the particulars" to agree or be convinced with common sense . Unfortunately common sense isn't very common . When someone knowingly call it a night when it's day , he/she isn't worth debating with . IGNORE!! trust me it works .

Pakistan 1st

Minister (2k+ posts)
Your little note was pretty good itself , very true that the host of this show , showed a lotta courage . Your analysis of the show are right on!! I have a little suggestion though. Say what you have to say , how you honestly feel , don't even try to convince the one typical mindset , one chances are one in 10 million for it to work.Two , it's not even worth it . This is the first time I have seen something written by you and I like it . I have voiced and opinion earlier a well ... "ignore the typical mindset" and keep doin what u do better ....a neutral analysis without expecting "the particulars" to agree or be convinced with common sense . Unfortunately common sense isn't very common . When someone knowingly call it a night when it's day , he/she isn't worth debating with . IGNORE!! trust me it works .

Totally agreed ..... Please keep posting on this forum. We badly need few wide vision analysts here...(clap)


Minister (2k+ posts)
In the second video, people in Korangi are giving interview. They were sitting under a tent for "Fateha", then Barbarians came on Motor and ran away. Just wondering why these people do not post one armed person in every corner and the sooner Motor bike with two appears, just shoot them, perhaps by catacing one or injuring one, the identity will be revealed. It is terrible thing that people even cannot offer dua for the deceased in assembly.


Senator (1k+ posts)
In the second video, people in Korangi are giving interview. They were sitting under a tent for "Fateha", then Barbarians came on Motor and ran away. Just wondering why these people do not post one armed person in every corner and the sooner Motor bike with two appears, just shoot them, perhaps by catacing one or injuring one, the identity will be revealed. It is terrible thing that people even cannot offer dua for the deceased in assembly.
In third video she claimed that she also visited Qasba Calony but where was Qasba calony shown in any part of program???She just visited areas of West district of Karachi while the actual Target killings happened in Banarus, Orangi, AliGarh, Qasba Calony and Mangopir road...but all those areas werent even shown in whole program...This program might be edited to show the picture against MQM cause all of those areas which were shown in programs werent that effected by Target killing as Orangi and Qasba Calony are effected by target killing...Anyways she made her attempt but their are thousand other video evidence from other channels are also available to prove that program being biased and one sided against one community...
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Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
In the second video, people in Korangi are giving interview. They were sitting under a tent for "Fateha", then Barbarians came on Motor and ran away. Just wondering why these people do not post one armed person in every corner and the sooner Motor bike with two appears, just shoot them, perhaps by catacing one or injuring one, the identity will be revealed. It is terrible thing that people even cannot offer dua for the deceased in assembly.

The problem is, the law abiding person will not be able to reaise a gun and pull the trigger.Since it is prdominately clear, that this tug of war is the war between the interests, the local law authorities are all manipulated and weakened by the politicians.It is tripping more and more in the favour of handing Karachi to the Army since this nonsense would never stop itself. This is not the first time in the history of this city that these targetted killings are being used as a mean to control the areas and extend their fear. I have seen those who are always defending the Mafia party, MQM come out from every nock and corner to defend whats so ever the orders are issued from London. It is criminal to divert the attention away from what seems to be a clear war of interests between parties and point the finger towards the Taliban Phenomenon.And it is not sticking. Rememeber, every time when Malik Rehman come to Karachi after a spree of target killings, he sat with the local politicians and magically, these killings stop just for the breather. Now that gives us the clue that those who are behind the scence, are very much in control of the situation and deliberately play this game of bloodshed.Army is definately the solution when local Rangers and police authorities fail to act for whatever their compulsions are.