Imran Niazi Don't use Lie as cover over your blunders

Dastgir khan19

Minister (2k+ posts)
Imran Niazi lied about Chinese engineer incident because he failed to protect them and in KPK there is PTI govt.

Chinese embassy has confirmed it was a IED blast.
Imran Niazi how much you will lie about your incompetence and blunders. Imran Niazi your govt standing on lies....... You have destroyed Pakistan with your lies

Statement by the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan on the Attack on the Dasu Hydropower Project

At around 7 am on 14th July local time, a Chinese company's shuttle bus carrying working staff on the Dasu Hydropower Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province was hit by blast on its way to the construction site. Up to now, 9 Chinese citizens and 3 Pakistani citizens were unfortunately dead and some injured. Investigation to the incident is underway.

The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan launched the emergency plan immediately, contacted the Pakistani military, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior and other relevant parties, and requested Pakistan to carry out rescue and treatment in the first place, and strengthen security protection for the Chinese citizens, institutions and projects in Pakistan , and investigate the incident thoroughly. The Pakistani military has instantly organized rescue and dispatched helicopters to transfer the injured.

The Chinese Embassy expresses its deep condolences to the victims and sympathy for the injured, and will do its best with Pakistan to properly deal with the aftermath.

The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan reminds Chinese citizens, enterprises, and projects in Pakistan to stay on alert, pay close attention to the local security situation, strengthen security protection, take strict precautions, and stop going out unless necessary.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
زلیل دار ی ڈاکو نطفہ حراٗ م اتنا گھٹیا نیچ اور کسی ۔۔۔ نسل کا فراڈیا اور ڈاکو ہے کہ اس ۔۔ زادے نے خود دھماکہ کرا کے فرانسیسی انجینئر مروا دئے تھے کہٗ اس چور حرام خور ڈاکو زلیل داری کی چوری لیک ہو رہی تھی یہ اتنا ۔۔۔زادی نسل کا قاتل ہے کہ یہ ڈاکو نطفہ حرام اپنے خلاف فیصلے دینے والے جسٹس کو بھی مروا دیتا تھا ایسے نطفہ حرام کا علاج بھی ایل گولی
پر اب تو یہ سسک سسک کر کتے کی موت مر رہا ہے بیٹا کھسرا نکل آیا اس زلیل داری کی کرنیاں اس ڈاکو کا پیچھا کر رہی ہیں


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bhutto was a traitor, Bhutto is a traitor, Bhutto will be a traitor.
Bhutto was giving bath to Gora's dogs.
Bhutto was/is a dictator bitch.

Bhutto destroy the country economy when country was thriving for 9% GDP.

Zindha he Butto Zindha he, Pora Sindh murda he. Larkana ke kutte bhi zindha hain.

Bhutto's son was the first plane hijacker in the history of Pakistan.

Bhutto's grandson in America to give them a trail for landing their aircraft in his adday.
Bhutto and his family is piece of shit.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Bhutto was a traitor, Bhutto is a traitor, Bhutto will be a traitor.
Bhutto was giving bath to Gora's dogs.
Bhutto was/is a dictator bitch.

Bhutto destroy the country economy when country was thriving for 9% GDP.

Zindha he Butto Zindha he, Pora Sindh murda he. Larkana ke kutte bhi zindha hain.

Bhutto's son was the first plane hijacker in the history of Pakistan.

Bhutto's grandson in America to give them a trail for landing their aircraft in his adday.
Bhutto and his family is piece of shit.
Birds of the same feather flock together, this piece of shit has to worship the pieces of shit you just mentioned....
Dastgir khan19's birth certificate is also a lie....... he's never told which one of the bhuttos/zardaris was his actual father.....


Senator (1k+ posts)
Imran Niazi lied about Chinese engineer incident because he failed to protect them and in KPK there is PTI govt.

Chinese embassy has confirmed it was a IED blast.
Imran Niazi how much you will lie about your incompetence and blunders. Imran Niazi your govt standing on lies....... You have destroyed Pakistan with your lies

Statement by the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan on the Attack on the Dasu Hydropower Project

At around 7 am on 14th July local time, a Chinese company's shuttle bus carrying working staff on the Dasu Hydropower Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province was hit by blast on its way to the construction site. Up to now, 9 Chinese citizens and 3 Pakistani citizens were unfortunately dead and some injured. Investigation to the incident is underway.

The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan launched the emergency plan immediately, contacted the Pakistani military, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior and other relevant parties, and requested Pakistan to carry out rescue and treatment in the first place, and strengthen security protection for the Chinese citizens, institutions and projects in Pakistan , and investigate the incident thoroughly. The Pakistani military has instantly organized rescue and dispatched helicopters to transfer the injured.

The Chinese Embassy expresses its deep condolences to the victims and sympathy for the injured, and will do its best with Pakistan to properly deal with the aftermath.

The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan reminds Chinese citizens, enterprises, and projects in Pakistan to stay on alert, pay close attention to the local security situation, strengthen security protection, take strict precautions, and stop going out unless necessary.
In ko rolaaon ga mein, takleef punchy gi inhy.


Councller (250+ posts)
عمران خان کا بھانجا نہ ہوتا تو شاید یہ خبر رپورٹ بھی نہ ہوتی
حب انصاف میں نہیں بغض عمران میں اس خبر کو بتایا جا رہا ہے

رہی بات بھانجے موصوف کی تو غلطی ثابت ہو جائے تو ڈالو جیل میں
کسے پرواہ


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It is difficult to provide foolproof security but the security agency should have been aware of the possibility of such attacks.Pakistan needs to setup special intelligence units to infiltrate terrorists.Once terrorists have been identified they should shot dead.No need for any trial.
