Imran Khan vs Jahangir Tareen, Shocking details - Rauf Klasra

Moula Jutt

Minister (2k+ posts)
یہ الیکٹرانک میڈیا سے گرے یوٹیوب میں اٹکے سابقہ خود ساختہ نامور صحافی پیٹرول کی بوتلیں لے کر گھوم رہے ھیں تاکہ جلتی پر تیل ڈال کر ٹامک ٹویوں کا مثالہ بیچ کر کچھ دال روٹی کا جگارڈ ھو۔
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Councller (250+ posts)
Let me sup up the video so no one else gives this clown views. Essentially he says IK decided to part ways with JKT because he was told by intelligence agencies monitoring calls that JKT will team up with Chaudries and Shehbaz Sharif for new set up in Punjab.

My take: Absolutely stupid on the part of idiot agencies if Klasra is to be believed. JKT knows the Chaudry’s and Sharifs, they would never allow JKT the power he already enjoys under IK and Buzdar setup up. JKT sans sugar issue has been loyal to the party.


MPA (400+ posts)
ab to klasra sb ki kisi baat ka yaqeen nahi hota..

i think these news if not fully true, are definitely partially true. specially chaudris link w JKT, pressure groups in punjab-some FIA tapes against JKT.
fawad chaudhry and SMQ being clever are keeping the distance and out of the sticky pitch

Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Let me sup up the video so no one else gives this clown views. Essentially he says IK decided to part ways with JKT because he was told by intelligence agencies monitoring calls that JKT will team up with Chaudries and Shehbaz Sharif for new set up in Punjab.

My take: Absolutely stupid on the part of idiot agencies if Klasra is to be believed. JKT knows the Chaudry’s and Sharifs, they would never allow JKT the power he already enjoys under IK and Buzdar setup up. JKT sans sugar issue has been loyal to the party.

may be JKT playing role of double Agent to keep intact Ch. with PTI Govt. and to stop any further black mailing

Its plan made by IK and JKT

Moula Jutt

Minister (2k+ posts)
کل سے بیروزگار۔ اور تقریبا بیروزگار اینکر اور خودساختہ نامور صحافی۔ سب جہانگیر ترین کا چورن بیچ کر روزی روٹی کا آسرا کر رہے ھیں ۔ حالانکہ آٹا چینی کی الف لیلی میں امرتسری بھڑوں۔رحیم یارخان کے کنجر۔پیوندی بھٹو کے فرنٹ مین ۔ گجرات کے رسہ گیروں۔ کے علاوہ اور بہت سے نیک ناموں کا بھی سنہری حرف میں ذکر ھے۔
پھر بھی سالے اپنے آپ کو نیوٹرل کہہ کر اپنے منہ پر خود ھی تھوک رھے ھیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
اٹھارہ منٹ سواے بکواس کرنے کے کچھ نہیں کیا کلاسرے کھوتے نے -- یہ ساری باتیں دیہی کی دکان والا بھی کیہ سکتا ہے


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Waste of time He saw couple of JKT tv interviews and came up with this cock and bull story. Problem arose on sugar shortage and sudden price increase IK ordered inquiry as JKT is biggest sugar producer his name came up. Media is only discussing him No one is talking about the other 80% producers among them are Sharifs Zardaris plus other politicians


Minister (2k+ posts)
The lifafa media is just trying to make enemity between IK and JKT because of this sugar mills issue. The are basically working for the Sharifs trying to get mileage out of the recent problems.

Gul Khan2020

MPA (400+ posts)
You all gone, now we have no trust in you clown klasra. I hate him since the day he raised his voice for Mir Shakeel in the press meeting with IK, instead of poor public and covid 19.
