How people become mentally ill after Playing bule whale .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why the media is propagating and creating curiosity about this game. Apparently. it does not seem some ethical behavior. The government should ban it without making it famous/notorious or a hip thing.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Why the media is propagating and creating curiosity about this game. Apparently. it does not seem some ethical behavior. The government should ban it without making it famous/notorious or a hip thing.

LOL my friend just watch the video first.. I know you are commenting without watching.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
LOL my friend just watch the video first.. I know you are commenting without watching.

I watched the video and understood the apparent intent of the poster was to warn/make fun/joke. But is that something right to do!
Recall that such games affect the kids who are already emotionally/psychologically troubled. Even a normal kid will wish to once open and learn about the game if it becomes something famous/notorious. A recent Urdu newspaper's 4 column news item that 'Now the Blue Whale is available in Pakistan' would only entice the young readers to search for the game in the net. Such news only adds more numbers to a vulnerable group.

It is like when a more deadly/cheaper version of some hard drug hits a niche market - there is always a hard choice between opting to propagate it through the media to educate the addicts about the extra harm, or hiding the news and focusing on attempts to take it out of market.
That is how I see the end result of such news and, of course, you may have a different opinion.
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