Forensic expert Radley lied at every step, Haris claims


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


After months of proceedings and numerous appearances before the accountability court, the counsel for the deposed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif finally discovered that the noted forensic expert Robert W Radley was actually a “liar”.

“Radley lied at every step … everything related to Radley is full of suspicion, questions his credibility as well as the reports he prepared,” the ousted PM’s counsel Khawaja Haris said. In addition, he said, the witness first denied almost everything and then accepted the same during cross examination.

Continuing his final arguments in the National Accountability Bureau (NAB)’s Avenfield flats reference against members of Sharif family on Tuesday; Haris questioned Radley’s credibility by drawing court’s attention towards contradictory statements and stance taken by the witness.

Meanwhile, Haris also admitted that pages of Coomber and Neilson & Nescoll trust deeds were mistakenly placed in each other and “the mistake was immediately realized” but the then counsel kept it ambiguous while explaining.

“Radley’s services were not required to see the mistake, we can see that it was a mistake, JIT members should also have realized that it was a mistake as all of them were qualified,” Haris said, “the report became fiction just because the documents were not attached in order.”

In his arguments, Haris said that Radley’s opinion was that Calibri font could not have been used in the alleged ‘fabricated’ trust deed of Avenfield properties submitted by ex PM’s daughter, Maryam Nawaz, as it was not commercially available before January 31, 2007.

However, he said, the witness admitted before the court that the font had been in existence since April 2005 in the beta version of Windows Vista and, in fact, he himself had downloaded it and used before its commercial launch.

“Legally or illegally, commercially or otherwise, the font was available and one could download it,” Haris argued while reading from Radley’s statement and cross examination. When there is possibility and admission by the witness that the font was available and could be used in 2005, Haris said, the rest becomes irrelevant.

No reliance can be placed on his report and testimony on the sole ground that he categorically stated that Calibri font was not available before January 2007 but later admitted that font was available and there were three possibilities in which a person could use the Calibri font in the year 2005.

“He is not lying on one front but on every front,” Haris said, “This [report] is not worth relying upon in any manner.”

He could have said that the suspects could not have downloaded Windows Vista or used Calibri font before 2007 but he didn’t, Haris said, because he himself downloaded and used it despite not being an IT expert or a computer geek. “If he can then why can’t anyone else,” Haris commented.

“This witness is not just professionally unsound but a total lie,” Haris said, adding that Radley had to keep on lying in order to justify his stance while recording his statement and during cross examination.

Among other things, Haris pointed out that Radley started working without any contract as he himself revealed that JIT sent documents in response to his terms and conditions for work.

Also, Haris said, first the witness said he does not read the documents, only uses instruments for examination and prepares report but later admitted that he did go through the documents but didn’t know what was in it.

“How can he differentiate between identical and different pages without reading the contents of the documents,” Haris questioned, adding that how he compared words, sentences and paragraphs without reading.

At one stage, Haris pointed out, Radley said he did not know if his report would be presented before a court in United Kingdom or Pakistan but later conceded that the documents attached clearly stated about the petitioner, Imran Khan Niazi, and that the report would be submitted before the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Haris also questioned what kind of forensic expert he is who examined a scanned photocopy of the trust deed.

About NAB’s Deputy Prosecutor General Sardar Muzaffar Abbasi’s meeting with Radley in London a day before Radley’s statement and cross examination in the case, Haris said that NAB officials were allowed to be present as observers and were not supposed to intervene in any manner let alone guiding the witness.

During cross examination, Haris said, Radley said that he shared all the information, prepared and distributed notes with NAB officials regarding Calibri font believing that they would be the ones recording his statement the next day. On the day of recording his testimony, Haris said, he came to know that they had no role in the process except for being present there.

BVI letters tertiary evidence, Haris

During his arguments, Haris said that letters that came from Financial Investigation Agency (FIA) of the British Virgin Island (BVI) stating that Maryam Nawaz was the beneficial owner of the Avenfield properties were neither primary nor secondary evidence in the case.

“BVI letters are tertiary evidence,” Haris said while arguing over evidentiary value of the evidence produced before the court while reading different judgments. He informed the court that any document can come on record but it is not necessary that it may be read as evidence. Unless, the author, witness and executant come in court and they are cross examined, he added, documents can’t be read as evidence.

He also said that all the Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests should have been sent and received through foreign office for authenticity as it was the proper channel for state to state communication.

On the testimony of a witness, Zahir Shah, who produced additional documents in the supplementary reference, Haris said that he plainly said that he did not read the documents obtained from UK but produced the same in court.

At last, Haris said, Shah admitted that he did not see Nawaz Sharif, Maryam, Hassan and Hussain’s names in the registry of title, council tax documents, water bills, custom tax etc.

Haris would continue arguments on June 27 (today). He is expected to conclude his final arguments today.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
But Mariam Nawaz was saying that Radley has confirmed their stance. So that was a lie?

Well your post is outcome of the usual Insafi mental level.
This is what she exactly meant --- better make habit of reading stuff before commenting.


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. him saying it was wrong is not enough, they should have put forward evidence, or expert witnesses to rebut Radley. How about putting the firm who created the deed to testify that they downloaded the font.
2. The creater of that font has said that the beta version and official version were different. From what he could see the trust deed was in official version.
3. There was other evidence pointing to tampering. So not one but several factors point to tampering.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What a stupid argument, Mr. Haris knows more than the expert.

Inko pata hai jali documents pakray janay per lamba andar jayeengay.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Lol.....the entire article can be summarized as such.
Haris said Radley lied. Haris said Radley's testimony was false. Haris said Radley did not tell the truth.

Never seen a bigger fake in life. Prove Radley's lies by submitting proof of purchase showing DATE OFF PURCHASE. Crackpots.
