Corrupt govt passed black money to white money tax amnesty scheme very bravely and openly

Govt invited black money dealer to white their black money and just pay 3% tax.....they dont give a damn to right people.....poor middle class people pay 35% tax on their earnings and get 65% total of their earnings....and black corruption money people will just pay 3% prices will raise gain and poor middle class people who got some hope after long long period fkd again and their dream of own house will be in scrap yard again....please raie your voice if you people dont have your own interest in this black money whiten property tax scheme....
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my innocent brother this scheme just passed on 31 nov 2016 hardly 7 days ago...its a chakar which govt gave people like me and you...they imposed tax in june july on property on everyone (poor-rich) sale purchae of new they passed bill for rich and black money owned people , which means only poor left behind and imposed taxe on poors and geniune property buyer...
Before announcing this scheme, there was a long on-going discussion with Property mafia. They agreed to put their business under Tax net if there's any amnesty scheme is announced. I think once for all, the properties should come under Tax radar there will be no black market investment.
Corrupt govt on 30 NOV 201y passed black money to white money tax amnesty scheme very bravely and openly

Govt invited black money dealer to white their black money and just pay 3% tax.....they dont give a damn to right people.....poor middle class people pay 35% tax on their earnings and get 65% total of their earnings....and black corruption money people will just pay 3% prices will raise gain and poor middle class people who got some hope after long long period fkd again and their dream of own house will be in scrap yard again....please raie your voice if you people don't have your own interest in this black money whiten property tax innocent fellows this scheme just passed on 31 nov 2016 hardly 7 days ago...its a chakar which govt gave people like me and you...they imposed tax in june july on property on everyone (poor-rich) sale purchae of new they passed bill to protect rich and black money owned people , which means only poor left behind and imposed taxe on poors and geniune property buyer...​

Anonymous Paki

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Phir kehte hain allah hum se naraz he shaid

The latest amnesty scheme the fourth in last three years will whiten about 75% of black money circulating in the informal economy after the previous deal with the realty sector that the government had struck in July could not fully address the sectors problems, officials privy to the developments said.

As per the scheme money involved in the property business can be whitened by paying three percent on the difference amount in FBR valuation and Deputy Collector values notified by provincial governments.
Sleeping people

The new tax amnesty scheme is not time-bound and tax evaders can avail it any time in the years to come by paying a nominal 3% penalty as advance income tax, according to the Income Tax Amendment Act 2016 that the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz government pushed through the lower house of parliament. Such people will be allowed to incorporate hidden wealth in books of accounts after paying the paltry sum.

The standard maximum income tax rate for individuals is 35%. On late payment, there is a 100% penalty, bringing total liability to 70% of the income. However, the new scheme will allow people to pay only 3% of the hidden income and get away with the remaining 97%.
It will be the third tax amnesty scheme the PML-N has far given in the last as many years but the latest one has the potential to destroy the countrys tax structure permanently, say legal and tax experts.


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Corrupt govt on 30 NOV 201y passed black money to white money tax amnesty scheme very bravely and openly

Govt invited black money dealer to white their black money and just pay 3% tax.....they dont give a damn to right people.....poor middle class people pay 35% tax on their earnings and get 65% total of their earnings....and black corruption money people will just pay 3% prices will raise gain and poor middle class people who got some hope after long long period fkd again and their dream of own house will be in scrap yard again....please raie your voice if you people don't have your own interest in this black money whiten property tax innocent fellows this scheme just passed on 31 nov 2016 hardly 7 days ago...its a chakar which govt gave people like me and you...they imposed tax in june july on property on everyone (poor-rich) sale purchae of new they passed bill to protect rich and black money owned people , which means only poor left behind and imposed taxe on poors and geniune property buyer...​

making poor people to pay tax and rewarding evadors .
