Complete Hadith Regarding Sindh India and Tibbat( China) in End Times...


MPA (400+ posts)



Senator (1k+ posts)
Bhai ye bA BATA DO KAY BARAY MOHADSIN KI IA Hadit ki sahat kay baray ma kia raye ha.aur kis kis book ma ye aye ha.


Minister (2k+ posts)
i read this ahaadeeth,
i have an issue regarding this,
there was no word sindh was there in Prophet's times.
there is definitely interpretation problem.
this was not a not a right hadeeth. a fake one.


Senator (1k+ posts)
i read this ahaadeeth,
i have an issue regarding this,
there was no word sindh was there in Prophet's times.
there is definitely interpretation problem.
this was not a not a right hadeeth. a fake one.

Have you researched this before giving your degree (fitwa) on this issue, "Sindh" is 5000 years old and it was defiantly there at the time of Rasool Allah (SWA). Just for in case If this Hadeeth is not "Fake" do you know what have you caused your self?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Have you researched this before giving your degree (fitwa) on this issue, "Sindh" is 5000 years old and it was defiantly there at the time of Rasool Allah (SWA). Just for in case If this Hadeeth is not "Fake" do you know what have you caused your self?

Ok, i apologize for that, may be u are right.
