Capital Talk - November 25th 2009 - Dr Shahid Masood**



Irfan Siddiqi, Hanif Abbasi, Nazar Gondal, Dr Shahid Masood



Councller (250+ posts)
there is something wrong with the sound it's too low.Can someone else send another link please or its just me.


Anyone else having problem with the video? it keep hanging after every few seconds, other links (zshare etc) are working fine.


MPA (400+ posts)
?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? [zardari] ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???


Councller (250+ posts)
zshare always slow .in JW player worrks i also chek off the record its also not working.yes in these days y can not watch u have to wait 2/3 hours after uplaod .may be to much load or lot of useres r watching in same time


Adeel said:
Will be uploading all the famous programs on youtube from tomorrow. so everyone can watch it.

This is very much appreciated, even zshare is fine, but no issues with Youtube here.


Councller (250+ posts)
Adeel said:
Will be uploading all the famous programs on youtube from tomorrow. so everyone can watch it.
yes its batter no problem if its take some time.but when it will upload evryone sure it can watch.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
i am not in favour of army take over but when the govt is incompetent,ineffiecient,bad governance and corruption at its peak,people dont have the basic daily needs,no jobs no food,committing suisides or selling their kids for food then how come a govt can claim its legitimacy just because two years back they got the sympathy vote, and in the presidency,after lying to the other parties got elected and did not fulfill his promises and claim we are legitimately elected but musharraf's time was not this bad anyway so people have to cry and say whatever it comes to their mind.I say most of the time that this govt is not comeptent, no control over corruption,i said mid-term elections or technocrate govt where army stays at the back ,no direct role for them like bangladesh system or if there is coalition govt and at least control corruption so that money can be used for poors,I am living a modest,happy and peaceful life.I am not asking anything for myself,i am asking who deserves.I dont think raising a voice for the poors and country is a crime,it does not make any difference you live inside or outside of the country.These are the feelings for the country's well being.Mr.zardari should transfer his powers to PM,let it be the parliamentary system not presidential because they were elected under the 19 73 constitution . PPP should have followed Z.A.Bhutto's vision but alas no one did,U.S played a role in overturning his govt. No wonder in the past whenever the army took charge of the country,civilians stayed quite because our civilain govt did't deliver what they there is no need to get upset that some people dont want this govt and want the army to take over.this govt should be thankful that U.S saved them twice otherwise this govt was gone?Mr.zardari should know the ground reality and the reality is people are fed up with PPP,make a transparent survey and you will find out the truth because this govt did't deliver at all.shahid masood is more popular than this govt,why banning his programme.Its not a good strategy, mr.zardari there are some bad apples in the cabinet ,they are the one who also sank your popularity.get rid of them,soon.