By reader demand. Define our earthling Cosmos

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Reader demands! “Define our earthling Cosmos”
Vision and memory are the most Precious Gifts of Evolution. Cosmos is everything alive around you including the Trees, the Birds, the Flowers and all Life in the oceans. Everything controlled by LIFE and the living is Cosmos. This moment we have a very small Cosmos, less than 1% of Earth mass. (Only the greens are a spec of Life). Now that we know what it is, and where we are going, it will start expanding at a faster pace. Basically it is a food chain starting at rock level. We must link together this food chain and control its growth and outcome. We must gain control of everything, the ocean currents, the climate, the rains and the winds, even the growth rate.

If you want to find food you have to move. The time will come when we will be able to see, three dimensional, cosmic life structures, against the microwave background. But first we must all learn to see the own small Aura! Feel the warmth of all the living everyone must find his place in time. Too best serve LIFE. The only law. The visual “Brain and Memory” goes back to Dino times. A very highly developed attribute of LIFE. Vision and the memory of all.
Life with DNA code and Double Helix structure has always been there. The Double Helix as a design has been around, in evolution for Billions of years, to get to the information code for an Intelligent Living Organism, with auto recognition (consciousness), and the ability to reason and learn new tricks. That’s where we are today 05th June, 2010.
Helix law says - "learn something new, don’t repeat the same mistake tomorrow". The Double Helix with complete information code is the nano particle they are looking for at. This same Replicating Double Helix is the Cosmological Constant lambda of Albert Einstein.) This same Double Helix Life is the Dark Matter detected everywhere in the Universe. It is also known, not all Life is compatible. Such as left-handed and right-handed Double Helixes, Life is busy digesting the elements of the universe, changing everything into: - “The Cosmos of Life’s Creation". Life is changing Baryonic Matter at Atomic Scale into Double Helix Life structures. (Also known as Dark Matter.) Life is an Energy form with Intelligence, and knows how to apply and concentrate this energy. (That is the dark force they are talking about. Dark Force is a LIFE Force that does not hold by the universal laws. Life makes his own. Like, "anything is possible and can be moved") If we start pushing one of the rocks in the inner ring from behind. Slowly but surely it will start catching up with others ahead and accumulating in a large mass, to form a new planet in a short time. With this first acceleration we start moving out of the doldrums ahead in time. Time is directly proportional to this (change).The acceleration into Time. Movement into the future we have
yet to create. The attributes and characteristics intelligent cosmic Life is the power (Energy) to change the world of baryonic matter all around, right down to the nanoscale, and maintain a control over its functions, over vast distances. (Dark Matter, Robots, Computers, Spaceships, Satellites, Memory chips etc).

Life is capable to engineer the world of matter to atomic precision every atom where we want, and need it to be. Men have a clear image of its workings. Man is free, at last, from the “Embracement of destiny”!

(Research) For them who had an interest in “Advanced Physics & Space Technology”.

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