Beware Taliban, ur in trouble


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
  • Friday 30th August 2013 9:53 am



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
afghanee khuwateen, yae war mein afghani naan, kabuli pulaoe bunaaien gee army orr taliban kae leae bhee, taliban khurdimaq loag inn sae keeya beware hoon:lol:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I do not know about trouble but after US withdrawal from Kabul, Afghan military and govt will fall apart and Taliban will come into power these nice women will be a bonus for the Taliban.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I do not know about trouble but after US withdrawal from Kabul, Afghan military and govt will fall apart and Taliban will come into power these nice women will be a bonus for the Taliban.

So wt happened in Iraq after US withdrawal ? The same US supported Govt is still ruling I think


Minister (2k+ posts)
So wt happened in Iraq after US withdrawal ? The same US supported Govt is still ruling I think

Iraqi are corrupt as hell, u just can trust them, there is an arabic saying, 'koofi la yufi' (koofi ka koi bharosa nahe) and kufa is in Iraq. But things r different for taliban, they aint corrupt, they are pious (im talking about afghan taliban) about Pakistani taliban, something is fishy. btw i can not judge their intentions


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Saddam was dead and his Baathist party destroyed when the Americans left.
The one eyed Mullah Omar is still alive, and the Taliban are stronger than ever, they hold military and political advantage and 3/4 control of all lands.
I guarantee ANA will be disbanded soon after the Americans leave.

So wt happened in Iraq after US withdrawal ? The same US supported Govt is still ruling I think


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ان طالبان کو حوریں ملے یا نہ ملیں یہ تو ہر ایک کی عقیدے کی بات ہے لیکن یہ تاجک اور ازبک خواتین تو گارنٹی بن گئی



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
US/nato couldnt succeed in eliminating kya teer maar leinge:biggthumpup:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
All that you mentioned in the end Pakistan does not need it. India has had aircraft carriers since the 1960s but are 2 scared to deploy it in the arabian sea because of Paki subs, 1 exocet missile can take out a multi billion dollar carrier. Pakistan has no need for ICBMs all large Indian cities are with in range, what is needed is accurate short range missiles, ICBMs will most likely be sitting idle and never be used, short range missiles have more utility. As for stealth, active array radars can easily detect stealth aircraft, even US stealth technology is failed as it wont work against air defence of many countries that have good radars.
​As compared to Pakistan, India still lacks in aircraft, short range missiles and cruise missiles.

Very nice topic above:crazy: but''21-year-old indian hindu designs drone, seeks DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation of india help to upgrade it what about Pakistani fellows all day busy in talking girls on cell...
...KOLKATA: Most boys of his age would be happy with a bike. A car would be a dream. But Subhanjan Saha owns a drone. Better still, the 21-year-old 'technopreneur' has built it himself and claims to have outdone similar campus innovations inspired by Joy Lobo's flying spy camera in movie '3 Idiots
Indian scientist said India only country with supersonic cruise missile, BrahMos. India developing E-bomb, to paralyze networks'
...strategic air attacks and can cripple military units as weapons of electric destruction by releasing high voltage pulses. Other DRDO officials said the E-bomb warheads can be delivered by combat aircraft equipped to deliver guided munitions and cruise missiles So next time there is a Kargil or a LoC line of control issues, you may not hear gunshots or mortar shells, because the electromagnetic bomb will throw life out of gear. ...NEW DELHI: India's first dedicated military satellite GSAT-7 or "Rukmini", which will be launched by Arianespace from French Guiana on Friday, will provide the Navy with an almost 2,000-nautical-mile-footprint over the critical Indian Ocean region (IOR).
Essentially a geo-stationary communication satellite to enable real-time networking of all Indian warships, submarines and aircraft with operational centers ashore, the 2,625kg Rukmini will also help the Navy keep a hawk-eye over both Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. "From Persian Gulf to Malacca Strait, it will help cover almost 70% of the IOR," said a source. Working at a fast pace towards production and induction of Agni-V missile into the forces, Defense Research and Development Organisation is reportedly planning its second test fire next month. The maiden test fire of Agni-V, the first intercontinental ballistic missile of India, was carried out in April 2012. The successful trial catapulted the country into the exclusive ICBM club comprising six elite countries. what about Pakistan :lazy: ??? :sleeping: no air craft ship,tested ICBM , satellites launch,missile shields,stealth's and much more.If india can take full advantage of israel russia why not pakistan take from turkey china Russia Germany etc.
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اجل کنول

MPA (400+ posts)
ان طالبان کو حوریں ملے یا نہ ملیں یہ تو ہر ایک کی عقیدے کی بات ہے لیکن یہ تاجک اور ازبک خواتین تو گارنٹی بن گئی

اچھاتو آپ کے خیال میں یہ عورتیں ہیں تو انہیں طالبان کے ہاتھوں شکست ہونی ہی ہونی ہے؟ کیوں آپ بھی کیا طالبانی سوچ سے اتفاق رکھتے ہیں کہ ایک عورت کی جگہ صرف نیلے برقعہ میں ہی ہوتی ہے اور اس برقعہ کے باہر نہ ہی اسکی کوئی جگہ ہے نہ ہی اس سے کسی بہتری کی امید رکھی جاسکتی ہے؟


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

اچھاتو آپ کے خیال میں یہ عورتیں ہیں تو انہیں طالبان کے ہاتھوں شکست ہونی ہی ہونی ہے؟ کیوں آپ بھی کیا طالبانی سوچ سے اتفاق رکھتے ہیں کہ ایک عورت کی جگہ صرف نیلے برقعہ میں ہی ہوتی ہے اور اس برقعہ کے باہر نہ ہی اسکی کوئی جگہ ہے نہ ہی اس سے کسی بہتری کی امید رکھی جاسکتی ہے؟

اپ اگر افغان لوگوں کو قریب سے جانتے ہوتے تو ایسی بات نہ کرتے لگتا ہے اپ بھی امریکیوں کے ساتھ ہیں- مہاجر قومی مومنٹ والے یا پیپل پارٹی والے- یہ ازبک اور تاجک خود بھی مانتے ہیں کہ طالبان کے ساتھ یہ لڑنے کے قابل نہیں اور جب یہ لوگ اپنے اوپر اعتماد نہیں رک
ھتے تو میں ان پر کیسے بھروسہ کرسکتا ہوں- اب ان کی قوت امریکیوں کی وجہ سے ہے اور امریکی بھی اکیلے نہیں ساری دنیا ان کے ساتھ ہے لیکن اسکے باوجود جب ایک دو طالبان نمودار ہوتے ہیں تو ان کی دوڑیں دیکھ لیجئے کابل کے شہر میں جو سنٹر بھی


Minister (2k+ posts)
حدیث مبارکہ ہے کہ "قیامت کے دن مومن کی کوئی چیز میزان میں حسنِ اخلاق سے زیادہ وزنی نہیں ہے - اور اللہ تعالیٰ فحش گو اور بدزبان کا دشمن ہے" - (رواہ ابوداؤد والترمذی)۔

خواتین صحابیات تو حضورۖ کے لشکر میں بھی ہوا کرتی تھیں جن پر کفار مکہ آوازیں کستے تھے - کیا آج ہم نظریاتی اختلافات کی وجہ سے ان خواتین کو نشانہ بنا کر اللہ سے دشمنی اور کفار مکہ کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں ؟؟؟
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It's Karzai and his government that are in trouble!. That's why he was in Pak trying to get us to negotiate so the Taliban do not hang him like they did Najibullah. These girls are no match for the Afghan Taliban who have forced the American's in to submission.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So wt happened in Iraq after US withdrawal ? The same US supported Govt is still ruling I think

ایراق اور افغانستان کی تاریخ کا مطالع کرلیں فرق نظر آجائے گا



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ایراق اور افغانستان کی تاریخ کا مطالع کرلیں فرق نظر آجائے گا

Wt is so special about Afghanistan? invaded by Russia n now USA? atleast Pakistan is much better nobody dares to invade it:lol:
