Azaan With Music


Minister (2k+ posts)

sarbakaf - Blogger
well so call dr aamir liaqat is a stupid man and actor
would do any thing for money and fame......and even goes to extent of abusing sahaba....
you can see that on google ...his video of abusing sahaba

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Ummat newspaper has always been fitna monger so Can anyone share news or detail about the actual matter from reliable newspaper or electronic media??


Senator (1k+ posts)
NAAOOZOBILLAH if this trend continues there may be a day that people start listning the Quran's rectation with music. ALLAH HAMAIN IS FITNE SE BACHAE RAKHAY> AAMEEN


Voter (50+ posts)
یہ احبار خود فتنے باز ہے اور ان تینوں سیاسی مولویوں نے بھی تو کئی فتنے پھیلائے ہیں ۔

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
well so call dr aamir liaqat is a stupid man and actor
would do any thing for money and fame......and even goes to extent of abusing sahaba....
you can see that on google ...his video of abusing sahaba

You should really have some shame at least in the blessed month of Ramadhan. I had given you reference earlier in the following thread about his Tauba in public about the incident which you have mentioned again here and not only that you mentioned here but you are inviting people to watch that video.

Just in case if you still have doubts about his Tauba then check out how Mufti Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman supported his Tauba.

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saki saki

Zara AAp In teeno maulvion ki shakaal pay ghoor kareen,, aik say aik barh kr nahosati chehra hai... pithkar par rahi hai,, bazri aur darbari maulvi hen ye sary


Councller (250+ posts)
Zara AAp In teeno maulvion ki shakaal pay ghoor kareen,, aik say aik barh kr nahosati chehra hai... pithkar par rahi hai,, bazri aur darbari maulvi hen ye sary

DEAR yeh mat daikhoo k koon keh raha hai yeh daikhoo k kia keh raha hai .
tumhay pata hoo gaa k AYAT AL KURSI say hifazat wala wakia.


President (40k+ posts)
You should really have some shame at least in the blessed month of Ramadhan. I had given you reference earlier in the following thread about his Tauba in public about the incident which you have mentioned again here and not only that you mentioned here but you are inviting people to watch that video.

Just in case if you still have doubts about his Tauba then check out how Mufti Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muneeb Ur Rehman supported his Tauba.

????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ????? ???????


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I have not seen Mizaan Ghee Ad, can anyone send me the link to make judgement...!


Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)

Brother, whenever matter is about character assassination of Muslim, we must be very careful and do research before commenting against him. That is why, I had asked in my first post about reliable source from print or electronic media regarding this issue. As far as the Fatawa of Islamic scholars are concerned then you might be aware of the fact that Mufti gives fatwa in context with the question being asked. please note that how misleading is second question asked to Mufti Naeem in which they dragged Junaid Jumshaid with Aamir Liaquat Hussain.

Unfortunately, Ummat newspaper has unbroken track record of creating fitna against other schools of thought regardless of political or religious ground.

sarbakaf - Blogger

اللہ، تمام ایم کیو ایم والوں کو گناھوں سے توبہ کرنے کی اور انھیں صحیح راستے پر چلنے کی ھدایت فرمائے۔

Bhai kaya us nay aapnay amal ke touba mangi ya mqm walaoon kay katal o gharat keee?
and since when do u call him among ulema he has fake degree of a madrisa .....go and do some research about him dear
do not be like stupid blind mqm supporter


Minister (2k+ posts)
yaar in 3 molvi ka sba se bara Fitna Talban hain,sorry i mean Zalman hain,is se bara Fitna is Waqt Ummat mein nahi hai,ALALH in se Nijaat delaye aameen,Afghan Jahad USA k Kehnay Par kiya,kiya Islam mein jaiz hay kafar k kehnay par jahad karna,ye 3 molvi fitna hai


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
(13) Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari: that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection." (Book #69, Hadith #494v)


Politcal Worker (100+ posts) the Tauba of Aamir Liaquat goes...i can accept his Tauba...but i can not trust him again after that incident/speech/bakwaas of him.
If any night watch man was caught red-handed while stealing/thieving and then apologize...u may forgive him, but can not let him be the night watch man again.

Musalmaan aik suraakh se dobar nahi dasa jata.


Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Before I reply to the posts, It would be better to explain the stance of Scholars about concept of music in Islam.

There is established difference of opinion about the permissibility of music with instruments in Islam. There have been two main groups of Islamic Scholars around the world since early centuries till present.

First group considers use of musical instruments haram except Duff while the second group regards music permissible. Both groups have their arguments about this matter. As this matter is not based on Consensus so we should not enforce one groups opinion to others and avoid the extreme to even say that whoever does not believe about hurmat of Music is not Muslim(This statement targets not only Muhaditheen but the Sahaba and Tabi`een as well).

Allama Ibn Abidin (May Allah have mercy on him) belonged to the first group but explains that one should not condemn to those who have noble intentions in their listening to such songs and are far from vain purposes, as long as nothing else impermissible is conjoined with the listening. [ Radd al-Muhtar Ala Ad-Dur al-Mukhtar : 6:349 : Dar Ul Ilmiyya, Beirut ]

Imam Ibn `Ajibah in his Sharh al-Mabahith al-Asliyah narrates that there is absolutely no consensus on this and that all affairs are lawful until proof are found to make them unlawful.

The Fiqh of following Hadith can be very helpful to understand difference of opinion in interpretation.

Narrated Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (Radhi Allah Anhu): On the day of Al-Ahzab (i.e. Clans) the Prophet (pbuh) said, "None of you Muslims should offer the 'Asr prayer but at Banu Quraiza's place." The 'Asr prayer became due for some of them on the way. Some of those said, "We will not offer it till we reach it, the place of Banu Quraiza," while some others said, "No, we will pray at this spot, for the Prophet did not mean that for us." Later on It was mentioned to the Prophet (pbuh) and he did not rebuke any of the two groups. [Sahih Bukhari:Book #59, Hadith #445]

Unfortunately, we are not accustomed to get proper understanding of difference of opinion in our society and some of our Ulema karam do not even mention it and instead, give Fatwa on the issue as if it is Qatʻī (definitive) based on consensus.

Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) said: What Allah has made lawful in His Book is halal and what He has forbidden is haram, and that concerning which He is silent is allowed as His favor. So accept from Allah His favor, for Allah is not forgetful of anything. He then recited, And thy Lord is not forgetful. (19:64) [This hadith was reported by al-Hakim, classified as sahih , and quoted by al-Bazzar.]

Actually, the second group of pious and expert predecessors from early centuries believe that there is no Nas (binding text) from Quran and Sahih Hadith regarding the impermissibility of Music in Islam.

Those fellow members who follow the research of first group should stick to the Fatwa of Islamic scholars in the Ummat newspaper about Music being Haram. However, I consider the arguments of second group of expert jurists more strong in this regard.

omerkuwait said:
Night_Hawk said:
Let us think for a second, Azzaan & Music ?

Brothers, The rulings of Islam does not depend on our mindset, perception, thinking or inner feelings. Check out the following Hadith and see the advices of Sahaba (May Allah be pleased with them) to our beloved Prophet (pbuh) about Azaan.

Hadhrat Ibn Umar (May Allah be Pleased with him) reported: When the Muslims came to Medina, they gathered and sought to know the time of prayer but no one summoned them. One day they discussed the matter, and some of them said: Use something like the bell of the Christians and some of them said: Use horn like that of the Jews. Hadhrat Umar (May Allah be Pleased with him) said: Why may not a be appointed who should call (people) to prayer? The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: O Bilal, get up and summon (the people) to prayer. [Sahih Muslim Book 004, Number 0735: Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Azaan]

Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (May Allah have mercy on him) writes that :
"If anyone does or says something before Prophet (pbuh), and Prophet (pbuh) does not stop or rebuke the act/words then this serves a proof as to the permissibility of this act, since Prophet (pbuh) was infallible. Others cannot rely on this, as they are not infallible.[ Fath ul Bari Volume 13 p. 23, Kitab al Ahkam]

So far, I have not come across any literature about Azaan with music so I can not comment about this specific matter right now. Anyway, check out the following interesting threads about Azaan just in case if you have not seen yet.!!!&highlight=unified+azaan

Note: If any respected member becomes emotional after reading my post and finds himself compelling to share information to prove the music haram then I want to clarify here that Alhamdulillah, I have already studied the arguments of first group and there is not a single Nas from Quran and Sahih Hadith which fulfils the criteria of Music to be Haram. Please make sure before posting that your evidence is fair enough to consider for hurmat of Music in Islam.
