~~Aslam Ae Insaf Aslam ~~~ A Beautiful DUA by Amir Liaqat


MPA (400+ posts)
Somebody tell him .. i wont buy this .. :( .. people wont buy this .. damn he and his party supported all this when they were in power and look at these silly hippocrates .. they started blowing another trumpet so quickly .. since they have seen what ppl wanted ..

bloody hippocrates ..

my question raised earlier still awaits an answer , whats his relation to this new appointment in pakistani embassy in vienna .. is it yet another political bribe .. ??

Allah hi Hafiz


Senator (1k+ posts)
ramses2x1 said:
Somebody tell him .. i wont buy this .. :( .. people wont buy this .. damn he and his party supported all this when they were in power and look at these silly hippocrates .. they started blowing another trumpet so quickly .. since they have seen what ppl wanted ..

bloody hippocrates ..

my question raised earlier still awaits an answer , whats his relation to this new appointment in pakistani embassy in vienna .. is it yet another political bribe .. ??

Allah hi Hafiz

We are not talking about Aamir Liaqat's character or anything here. Just sharing a beautiful dua that is related to the occasion. Just Enjoy it and be happy. Creat another thread If you wanna have a go at Aamir sahab. I am not a big fan of this character either. Quite Dodgy! but again, we shouldn't be judging, only allah is the best judge.

Enjoy and Mubarak on this historic day!!!