Allah se mafi mangeein Allah pak bohat mauf kerney waley hein


MPA (400+ posts)

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
I cannot understand the meaning of so called "MAFI" what every Muslim is asking now a day from God but not following the path of Islam. In my understanding the meaning of "MAFI" or "TOBA" is that phenomena when a true MUslim starts following Islamic principles and give up his misguided way of living in this world. But if we continue to say from our mouth for "MAFI" with keeping our un-Islamic attitude to continue then nothing will happen because following the Islamic Rules are a key for successful life rather only reciting the words.


MPA (400+ posts)
Exactly !! This is our attitude .... We read such articles .. say in our discussions that it is surely Azab e Ilahi and then what happen ?? Noting .. Busy in our daily life ...
I havn,t seen any single person who changes himself (Including me) ... who stops listening music, watching movies, starts praying five time salat in Masjid, grow beard ...etc NOTHING
probably BECAUSE every single person in our society think that he is on HAQ by default and leading a perfect Muslim life .. its others who need to change ....

We, the Pakistani awam has showed the Height of Ignorance .. :(

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
Exactly !! This is our attitude .... We read such articles .. say in our discussions that it is surely Azab e Ilahi and then what happen ?? Noting .. Busy in our daily life ...
I havn,t seen any single person who changes himself (Including me) ... who stops listening music, watching movies, starts praying five time salat in Masjid, grow beard ...etc NOTHING
probably BECAUSE every single person in our society think that he is on HAQ by default and leading a perfect Muslim life .. its others who need to change ....

We, the Pakistani awam has showed the Height of Ignorance .. :(

I further cannot understand the concept of Islam narrated in the post by the learned member that Islam is only limited to avoid listening music, watching movies, growing beard, praying salat while the essential social ethics of Islam are not being considered. Why Muslims do not concern with the social application of Islamic society. In present world if you will confine your approach only to such restraints how Muslims will be a positive and progressive part of the current advanced society. It is prime concern of every Muslim to follow the fundamental concept of Islam and to avoid any "Frooee" issue which we give utmost importance and has no radical impact.
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MPA (400+ posts)
You are 100 percent right brother .. I just mention the few basic things comes in my mind ..again, I agree with you 100 percent :)
