A suggestion: Organize this forum and make it multi dimensional


MPA (400+ posts)
Assalam o Alaikum

I joined this forum yesterday, and found it quite interesting.

Let me confess you that I explored other Pakistani forums as well and found all of them so one dimensional towards one province that it made me sick. Here atleast we have people from different areas and people atleast can post their opinion even if they belong to oter provinces. Some agree to it and some dont, and this is what a forum should have, a diversity of opinion, so thanks and congratulations on having an open and balanced forum here.

One thing I found is that forum is very limited in its topics, it is almost one dimensional. In my opinion if we want to increase traffic here we will need to make it a little more multi dimensional by re-organizing it a little and introduce some room for topics other then politics.

For example, we can divide siasi discussion into "Pakistani Siasat" and "World Politics / Bain al Aqwami Siasat". It wll not only organize it, but will also have room for more specific threads and discussions.

Similarly, we can have more sections like "Fun stuff" or "Jokes and Poetry" Section and "General Discussion" section, may be a dedicated section for "relegious discussion"

A well organized forum will be a more popular forum and will provide more inter action and more discussion I guess.

I am not good in IT or computer so cant help in organizing or creating sections but Alhamdolillah have enough fire power to help you with material and inputs for all these sections and in management of these sections if you need my help here.


MPA (400+ posts)
OK, this is not a complain or any thing, but I noticed that 114 people have viewed this post, no body responded, or commented on it. How can we have a better and constructive discussion if no body speaks up?


MPA (400+ posts)
Honestly speaking bro, I think you already gave the answer.

Because you or any mod didnt ask me what I wanted to say, what was my point, Why I said what I said, I fail to understand what exactly will you discuss in your mods meeting?

But this is what you want to do so lets be cool!!!!!!!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
so this is it, eh?
very democratic, very inter active!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mods really listen to suggestion I guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!