A sad Day for Pakistan


Senator (1k+ posts)
It is sad day that fanatics and on the fringe forces have hijacked the issues of Pakistan and have transformed themselves into democratic forces( DPC long march). It is even sadder tha tmainstream political parties are busy in their own internal issues: naoora league busy fooling people and PTI is hanging in the air and are busy with their elections. People of Pakistan are so frustrated and I believe they will follow anyone who will show them a wayout of Zardari tola's raj. Moreover, our esteemed parliament is busy protecting loot khsoot of emperor Zardari. Hell with this democracy and this system.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Terrorist are sitting in the heart of Islamabad by hijacking public issues: PPP will try potray to the world that keep us in power otherwise terrorist will takeover.


Minister (2k+ posts)
It is sad day that fanatics and on the fringe forces have hijacked the issues of Pakistan and have transformed themselves into democratic forces( DPC long march). It is even sadder tha tmainstream political parties are busy in their own internal issues: naoora league busy fooling people and PTI is hanging in the air and are busy with their elections. People of Pakistan are so frustrated and I believe they will follow anyone who will show them a wayout of Zardari tola's raj. Moreover, our esteemed parliament is busy protecting loot khsoot of emperor Zardari. Hell with this democracy and this system

Spot on. You have no idea how depressing today was. I feel as if the wind was knocked out of me. People will take some time to realize what has hit them. I will just paste what I wrote on the other thread. Dil ka zor nahin raha.:(

Aik Zardari sab phe bari.Agli bar phir Zardari(clap)(clap)

How they passed it at eleven at night w/o the media knowing is amazing. You have to admit very impressive. Same day CEC decision, which everyone accepted(which I think will be disastrous in the long run).
I dont think anything can be done. After all its a democracy, and Democracy it has been proven is the best revenge.
Thanks to Noora we never had midterm election and now PPP can do what ever it likes. And once Noora basically handed PPP the presidency the Die was cast. And after the senate elections, AAZ will be our president for the next 5 years till Bilawal is ready to inherit Pakistan.

I think next election will be rigged and most Parties will be thrown a bone. They have an excellent chance of forming a broad coalition that will go along with them. If its only PTI and JI who lose I dont think they can generate the momentum to topple the goverment via street agitation. People are getting more and more divided. Any chance of doing this is slipping.

PTI is too busy in its internal squables. IK and a few others are surrounded by a sea of self indulgent idiots. Most cant follow orders and like children demand to be heard. They are their own worst enemies. Such "clean" and "principled" politics have nor role in a country like Pakistan. Ask the PDP and Tehrik e istaqlal. I think Ayub Khan was right in saying Parliamentary democracy cannot function in a country where every MNA/MPA is for sale. All crimes go unpunished and Law is for the weak.

Judiciary is now irrelevant as they have no powers to challenge the executive. It can pass orders and what not but now they can be humiliated daily on TV.Dogs like Abidi already are giving a taste of things to come.The one threat they had is gone now. The small chance of Pakistan ignited during Lawyer movement has been snuffed out. The Lawyer movement has been bought off. Most of its leaders turned out to be Jialas inserted to Hijack Pakistans last chance.

They also have Captured the ECP today. And most ppl think its a good thing. Sakirullah Jan who was finally doing the things necessary for fair election has been neutralised. An unsung hero.Like all Pakistani Heros.

I think its a good time for them to clip the wings of ISI. As the Army will never go for a coup in this situation. If they couldnt out moneuvre the government during Memogate it simpy means they cant. Mush eight years and ISI T wings cartoot have made it unpopular. If they step out of their bonds they will be alone. They are vulnerable and missed their chance and now PPP can strike.

The PPP controls the post of NAB,Speaker Assembly, ECP, Presidency, PM.
A stuning accomplishment. In a few months it will get a chance to choose a CJ and the Army Chief.
Even as a PTI supporter I have to admit, electoral change is highly unlikely. See any By election results. No one raised any objections.

The media is useless. It is only peddling despondency. Its a form of pornography its selling. Nothing will ever come from it. It will play with the emotiions and provide a release that all. Behind the scenes they are having a good laugh. They can be bought and sold like the Riaz Bahria episode showed. They can turn night into day,sinner into saint,balc into white, Hero into villain and viceversa.They are deeper forces in play and PPP is there darling. PPP is willing to cut up the country and feed it to these dogs.

The citizenry is now despondent. Its has succumbed to learned helplessness. Like a horse that is broken. It will now follow orders and stop complaining. It simply cant see beyond the weather,Electricity Prices etc.
The PPP is ruthless.They halved the country in 71 to insure their rule disregarding a electoral result and they wont hesitate to do it again. PTI,JI,MQM,PML N and other Political forces are just a flock of sheep who found a wolf among them

I think the best you can reasonably hope for is that PPP rigs election forms the government. By then by all measures our economy will start to unravel. And a currency crisis will insue. Once the citizenry loses everything it will start respecting it self. I just hope Pakistan stays intact for this trial by fire.

Citizens, did you want a revolution without revolution?Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue; it is not so much a special principle as it is a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to our country's most urgent needs. - Robespierre