Malik Riaz is status quo emobodied. God knows the truth but one fact is accpetable to both sides that Malik Riaz has given bribes.
Now many journalists are just plain lost for the past 2 days. Some are still shamelessly marketing against CJ and some are giving confusing vibes. Some are really really happy that they had nothing to do with Malik Riaz and are hitting each ball for 6.
Personally, this is a period where I will select programs which i will watch from now on.
It is already a pretty small list because most of the media men are on payroll of one person or another, some are so sick that they openly say that they dont want democracy and stuff. A little tilt towards one person is acceptable as they are also humans but campagning is shameless.
Yesterday i was not watching programs, i was just looking at whats saying is clearly evident now..Thank God this happened before the elections..!!
My hunch, many anchors might leave the country if this case is persued to the very end.