75% Indian engineering students unemployable


Senator (1k+ posts)
75% Indian engineering students unemployable

NEW DELHI: Discussing a report by software industry group Nasscom which says that 75 percent engineering students in India are unemployable, education experts here on Saturday said that the Indian higher education system must give skill building and practical training equal importance as academics to give them an edge.

A.D. Sahasrabudhu, director of the College of Engineering, Pune said that one of the major reasons why engineers, even from reputed institutes, are not easily employed because they lack hands-on skill.

"The focus in most institutes here is always on academics and theory. Thus a mechanical engineer may actually not know how to change a part of a machine. Therefore even if a high scoring student gets placed in a good company, eventually that lack of practical knowledge catches up," Sahasrabudhu said during a panel discussion at the sixth Higher Education Summit organised by Federation of of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

"From our experience we now know that practical, hands-on training is very crucial in the education system," he added.

In their latest report released in the last week of October, National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) said that Indian IT firms reject 90 percent of college graduates and 75 percent of engineers who apply for jobs because they are not good enough to be trained.

And because there is such a dearth of competent people, companies like Infosys increased its training of employees to 29 weeks from this year. That's seven months of training, the report added.

Richard Kerly, a Scottish university professor, who had participated in the discussion said: "Just recently I came to know that Citi Bank had started its recruiting process here, but was not going to campuses placement cells.

"The possible reason is that students here, although brilliant, don't have an edge when it comes to putting theories to practice."

Sudhir Matthew, Dean, Ecole Hoteliere Lavasa, Lavasa Corporation Limited, Pune said: "The scene is very similar in the hospitality industry. Lack of hands-on trained students have forced hotel chains like the Oberoi, Taj and ITC to open their own hotel schools where the students are trained as per their needs.

"Tourism will grow at a rate of 8.8 percent till 2015 in India, making it one of the fastest growing markets but there is a serious lack of skilled hands. Academics combined with practical training is therefore very important to meet this shortage which is estimated at 3.2 million."


Source: Economic Times

Baba jee

Councller (250+ posts)
They deserve to be unemployed! Only North American can realize how badly India and China did hurt the North American Engineering & Auto Motive industry in the past few years.


Senator (1k+ posts)
if unemployment in India is 75% despite growth rate of 8.4 percent(Pakistan's rate is 2.7%), having best ranked technology institutes and lots of jobs in IT then one can image about Pakistani engineering students .


Senator (1k+ posts)
No Adnan, the article does not say that unemployment in India is 75%. The article highlights that despite having so many institutes and graduates the students are not capable of getting a job. When they graduate from the schools they do not have necessary skills to do the job. In another article that I read earlier, a company was newly founded in India and was promised 3000 available resources but when they interviewed the graduates they could find only 200 some students that could handle the job and they are still looking for more resources.

India has a lot of job potential but the money that was cashed in the last few years is not being used to provide quality education to Indians. The students from their best institutes IIM etc are not enough and they usually move abroad or do not get enough salary so that they can stay in India.

The purpose of my post is to highlight the importance of quality eduation. We are posed with similar challenges as Indians are and if we cannot learn from their success, at least we should learn from their mistakes.
