5 PPP memmber including Samsam Bukhari to meet Imran Khan and will announce to join PTI


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

Key PPP stalwarts set to join PTI

ISLAMABAD: Several key leaders of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) are expected to join Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the sources revealed on Tuesday.
One of the PPP stalwarts, senior politician Ashraf Sohna has already left the party. He will announce to join PTI today.
Similarly, former state minister Samsam Bukhari also decided to part ways with PPP and join PTI. –SAMAA




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Senator (1k+ posts)
new loootaysss for PTI mubarak hoo mubarak ... puri bottle mein pti walah jam ;)... chalooo IK ek aur heavy sambah looo ....

loota party zindabad... IK WELCOME TO ALL NEW lootas in the party ;)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Where are those poor and young leadership promised by pti. None of them is Darzi, Hair dressor and bus driver butnthese are big guns looking for new home. By the way all these were ministers during ppp government and their performance was top class zero.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
humm i think the only good person of PPP which i really wanna c in PTI is Kamar Zaman ... he is the best spokesman
I think Samsam Bukhari & Imtiaz safdar warraich are also good.
اچھے چہروں کو خوش آمدید کہنا چائیے۔



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Where are those poor and young leadership promised by pti. None of them is Darzi, Hair dressor and bus driver butnthese are big guns looking for new home. By the way all these were ministers during ppp government and their performance was top class zero.
کیا چلن ھورہی ھے؟
پولیٹیکل پارٹی ھے کوئی بھی آسکتا ھے بس کرپشن کے دھبے نہ ھو۔
اور جہاں تک پرفورمینس کا تعلق ھے تو وہ اوپر والے برین کا کام وہ ان سے کسے کام لیتا ھے۔
اگر زرداری جیسا دو نمبر آدمی ھوگا تو اسکے نہیچھے بھی لوگ کچھ کرنے کے قابل نہیں ھونگے۔


Minister (2k+ posts)
Samsam Bukhari appears to be a relatively clean person and should be a good addition, but others I don't know.
جو پی ٹی آئی جوائن کرے وہ تو ضرور اچھے ہوتے ھیں غدار اور چور تو صرف دوسری پارٹی میں ہوتے ہیں انصاف واشنگ مشین

ali raja 11

Councller (250+ posts)
I think good people must join khan sb and pti insafians must not criticize everybody if they r good will stay otherwise will runaway like daghi

ali raja 11

Councller (250+ posts)
body is farishta and we Imran khan cannot bring people from Denmark agr theek huay toh rhay gay warna khan sb k sath nhi chal paye gay because they r joining pti not pti joining them
جو پی ٹی آئی جوائن کرے وہ تو ضرور اچھے ہوتے ھیں غدار اور چور تو صرف دوسری پارٹی میں ہوتے ہیں انصاف واشنگ مشین
