پاکستان کی معاشی بحالی کا قومی پلان، اسپیشل انویسمنٹ فیسلی ٹیشن کونسل قائم


Minister (2k+ posts)
It's funny now the Special investment facilitation council will make policy ...... now wages will go from govt, facilities separate, for employees petrol, electricity, house all free in short extra burden on budget...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
No one wants to invest in Pakistan due to
1) Corruption & red tape
2) No rule of law & very poor regulations
3) Middle class is small
4) Profit margins are very small
5) Security issues (terrorism,kidnappings)
6) Lack of skilled manpower
7) Lack of infrastructure,electricity,gas
8) Political instability
9) Local supplies of basic materials not available
10) Contracts can be terminated at a whim eg Reqo Diq


MPA (400+ posts)
They are duffers on the top i.e. Both the General-bribed Asim Munira and Crime-minister Showbaz Sharifa are BADMUASH. Pakistanis hate them.
Pakistan Army needs to clean both ASAP. Get a backup from any federal party if they want to stay united and to get clean image, among Pak public, ELSE ready to be disintegrated in to FOUR PIECES.

World including US, Afghan Talban, TTP, India and PAKISTANI PUBLIC, wont spare you this time. Remember your double game with the WORLD and TRIPPLE Game with the PAKISTAN.
There is no future for the country unless system is cleansed and people like Bastard Asim Munir and Shahbaz are sent to Hell.
SAVE Pakistan, and get back your respect from people of Pakistan.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
رحیم چینج بھی اسی مقصد کو کی گئی۔اب اس کونسل میں اپنے سر پر اپنے اس فیصلے پر سر میں خاک ڈالیں گے؟


Senator (1k+ posts)
طوائف جب بوڑھی ہو جائے اور اسے پچاس جنسی بیماریاں بھی ہو تو چاہے وہ سڑک پر ننگی کھڑی بھی ہو جائے کوئی خارش زدہ کتا بھی اسے منہ نہیں لگاتا۔


President (40k+ posts)
The world and overseas spit on you duffer Generals l. Nobody trusts on napaak fouj and all companies are shutting their businesses in FOUJISTAAN.

ان حرامیوں کا خیال ہے کہ فوجی فرٹیلائزرز ، فوجی سیریلز ، عسکری بنک وغیرہ اداروں سے یہ ملک چلا لینگے ؟
