ایک سخت مسلمان طالب علم روم میٹ کے بارے میں ایک ہندو طالب علم کے جذبات

nutral is munafek

Minister (2k+ posts)
As a non-Muslim, have you met a Muslim who prays five times a day? How do they behave? How did they treat you?

My LLM roommate was a devout Muslim. She prayed five times a day, fasted during Ramadan and went on Hajj twice. She was also a staunch non-vegetarian.

On the other hand, I am a devout Hindu and a conscientious vegetarian. Our room was called the "blessing room" because we both prayed more than the rest of the hostel.

She was going out, I take time to warm up and very quirky. It initially struck me as cold and competitive. We were off to a rough start. It didn't help that the rest of the batch badmouthed me and about me.

But things got better with time, we became good roommates and eventually good friends. We were adults and cared about each other. Most importantly, we agreed on the fan speed!!

His prayer routine was just a part of our daily life. His Fajr (first prayer of the day, before sunrise) alarm would wake me up before he woke up. I would call out in my sleep, "Zee Fajr... wake up", make sure she wakes up, turns over and sleeps. She often missed time and almost missed her Isha (night prayer). I used to remind him.

She used to watch the Mahabharata for the story value. I would ask him to tell the stories of the Prophet's life, to learn the meaning of some concepts like "sidra" and jinn etc. .

We were surprisingly different characters but got along perfectly. Our religions and prayer practices had little to do with it.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
جن کے مذہب میں نماز، ذکاوت، حج، روزہ ذکاوت نہیں ہے. ان کی اور غیر مسلم کے شب روز کی سرگرمیوں میں زیادہ فرق بھی نہیں ہے. جن کا دین لوگوں کو یہ بتانے تک محدود ہے کے بارہ سو برس قبل اسلام کی اصل تعلیمات کھو گئی تھیں. جن کا وہ قرآن مجید کی از خود تشریح کرکے احیا کر رہے ہیں


Minister (2k+ posts)
نماز، ذکاوت، حج، روزہ ذکاوت

It is just beginning to be called a Muslim as otherwise, Islam wants you to besides submitting to Allah become a better human being.

You probably will not agree but I just don't care. I see beyond what you see.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
It is just beginning to be called a Muslim as otherwise, Islam wants you to besides submitting to Allah become a better human being.

You probably will not agree but I just don't care. I see beyond what you see.
ہوں سکتا ہے اچھا انسان ہونے کی میری اور آپ کی حدود میں اختلاف ہو لیکن میں آپ سے سو فیصد اتفاق کرتا ہوں اچھا مسلمان اچھا انسان بھی ہوتا ہے


Senator (1k+ posts)
One thing we can say for sure , that you have serious problem with pronouns, unless this is due to one of those LGBTQRSTUVWXz thing

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
ہوں سکتا ہے اچھا انسان ہونے کی میری اور آپ کی حدود میں اختلاف ہو لیکن میں آپ سے سو فیصد اتفاق کرتا ہوں اچھا مسلمان اچھا انسان بھی ہوتا ہے
Achay Musalman he tu nahi hain hum issi liyay dunya may zaleel o khawar ho rahay hai.

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
جب ہم باعزت تھے اس وقت نام نہاد اہل قرآن فرقہ بھی موجود نہیں تھا
Aaj bay izzat ho kiyon kay Quran ko choor kar ghair Allah key kitaboon ko Quran per fauqiaat daay kar Islam ka huliya bigarnay walay kis moo say izaat key baat kar saktay hain?


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Aaj bay izzat ho kiyon kay Quran ko choor kar ghair Allah key kitaboon ko Quran per fauqiaat daay kar Islam ka huliya bigarnay walay kis moo say izaat key baat kar saktay hain?
آج تمھارے جیسے موجود ہیں جو بہانے سے قرآن کی تعلیمات کو جھٹلا رہے ہیں. رسول اللہ کی تعلیمات کو چھوڑ غیر رسول سے تعلیم حاصل کر رہے ہیں. عزت والے مسلمان نماز، روزے، حج ذکاوت کے پابند تھے. حدیث کے منکر نہیں تھے​

Wake up Pak

President (40k+ posts)
آج تمھارے جیسے موجود ہیں جو بہانے سے قرآن کی تعلیمات کو جھٹلا رہے ہیں. رسول اللہ کی تعلیمات کو چھوڑ غیر رسول سے تعلیم حاصل کر رہے ہیں. عزت والے مسلمان نماز، روزے، حج ذکاوت کے پابند تھے. حدیث کے منکر نہیں تھے​
Tum jaysay Quran say ghafil logoon key waja say aaj Islam ka huliya bigar gaya hay.
Kaash kay tum nay Quran parha hota tu aaj aysi fazooliyat nahi likh rahay hotay.

Fawad Javed

Minister (2k+ posts)
As a non-Muslim, have you met a Muslim who prays five times a day? How do they behave? How did they treat you?

My LLM roommate was a devout Muslim. She prayed five times a day, fasted during Ramadan and went on Hajj twice. She was also a staunch non-vegetarian.

On the other hand, I am a devout Hindu and a conscientious vegetarian. Our room was called the "blessing room" because we both prayed more than the rest of the hostel.

She was going out, I take time to warm up and very quirky. It initially struck me as cold and competitive. We were off to a rough start. It didn't help that the rest of the batch badmouthed me and about me.

But things got better with time, we became good roommates and eventually good friends. We were adults and cared about each other. Most importantly, we agreed on the fan speed!!

His prayer routine was just a part of our daily life. His Fajr (first prayer of the day, before sunrise) alarm would wake me up before he woke up. I would call out in my sleep, "Zee Fajr... wake up", make sure she wakes up, turns over and sleeps. She often missed time and almost missed her Isha (night prayer). I used to remind him.

She used to watch the Mahabharata for the story value. I would ask him to tell the stories of the Prophet's life, to learn the meaning of some concepts like "sidra" and jinn etc. .

We were surprisingly different characters but got along perfectly. Our religions and prayer practices had little to do with it.
bhai pehlay ye clear kero he and ye she ?
