اب بدمعاشی نہیں چلے گی، ایک دن بھی مل بند کر کے دکھائیں۔ شہباز گل


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mr. Pee Vee on a move.
Awww sour puss wakes up from his slumber to spit some more gunk compelled by his love for the PPPMLN. No matter how hard you try, you will never fool anyone into thinking you actually mean well. Just another random Phatwari forced by his hate for IK to perform an obnoxious orchestra of caterwauling cacophony performed by all of your personalities who let’s be honest all have a degree of monotony to it, they all moan like jilted housewives. nag nag nag nag that’s all you do, that’s all you’re capable of.
My patience with you has finally reached its threshold. Since I do not entertain phatwaris and certainly do not want to ready them, I must send you to where the rest of your brethren, the Jaati Mujrah and Larkana produced worshippers of the dishonest and the inane….. to my ignore bin....
Hey cheer up, at least you won’t see me ripping your casuistic “logic” to smithereens. Because I find it beyond me to quote phatwaris with all of them on ignore, the evangelical ones, the sly and covert ones like you pretending to be neutrals lol.

So long sucker!
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Minister (2k+ posts)
عمران خان ایماندار ہے ڈیڈیکیٹڈ ہے مگر خدا کے لئے مر دمومن ایک ہی گزرا ہے جو اس ملک میں نواز شریف جیسے نطفہ حرام فراڈئے ناسور اور بےغیرت چور فراڈئے منی لانڈر گھٹیا نیچ اور زلیل نسل کے لوگ مسلط کرکے چلا گیا وہ تھا مرد مومن مرد یق ضیا الیق ضیا الیق جس یق نے نواز شریف کو اپنا پالتو کتا بنا کر اپنی فوجی گٹر میں پیدا کرکے بلڈاگ کتے کی طرح لوٹ مار کے واسطے اس قوم پر مسلط کردیا اور وہ نطفہ حرام بھی اس ملک کو اپنے لعنتی فراڈئے بے غیرت باپ نطفہ حرام گٹر کے ڈھکن چور کا زاتی ملک سمجھ کر ایک دو ٹکے کے دلے ہاراں والے کنجر امرتسر چکلے والی کی اولاد کی جگہ شہنشاہ معظم سمجھ کر اب وہ نطفہ حرام اپنی لانے والی فوج کے خلاف پاگل کتوں کی طرح بھونک کر یہ سمجھ رہا ہے کہ مر دمومن مرد یق اس کو اس ملک کا تاحیات شہنشاہ بنا گیا تھا اور یہ مر یق کا بلڈاگ کتا اور مودی کا پالتو کتا بن کر ہماری فوج پر ہی بھونکنا شروع ہوگیا ایک وہ مرد مومن مر د یق خود تو مر گیا اور بلڈاگ کتا لوٹ مار کے واسطے پٹا کھول کت چھوڑ گیا
اس لئے عمران خاُ ن کو مرد مومن کہہ کر گالی نہ دو مرد مومن مرد یق منافق اسلام فروش ایک ہی گزرا ہے جسکی وجہ سے نواز شریف جیسا نطفہ حرام۔ ہم بھگت رہے ہیں


Minister (2k+ posts)
جنرل ضیا یق کا فوجی گٹر میں پالا ہوا بلڈاگ کتا نواز شریف نطفہ حرام بھونکتا بھی ہے اور کاٹتا بھی ہے
یہ منی لانڈر چور فرازڈیا لعنتی بے غیرت ضیا منافق نے جسے اپنا پالتو کتا بنا کر اس قوم پر لوٹ مار کے لئے چھوڑ دیا وہ نطفہ حرام جس کو ضیا نے امرتسر رام گلی کے چکلے والے دلے ہاراں والے کی دو ٹکے کی اولاد کو رام گلی کی گندی موری کی گندی اینٹ نواز شریف چور فراڈئے منی لال نڈر بے غیرت کو پاکستان کے چوبارہ پر لگا یا جو پہلے تو ضیا کا پالتو کتا تھا ضیا کے مرنے کے بعد مودی کا پالتو کتا بن کر پاکستان کی اسی فوج کے خلاف دوغلی نسل کے بلڈاگ کی طرح بھونکنے لگا جس فوج کی وجہ سے یہ نطفہ حرام نواز شریف ایک دوٹکے کے بےغیرت لعنتی چور فراڈئے سے ارب پتی بلکہ کھرب پتی بنا دیا وہی نطفہ حرام نواز شریف منی لانڈر فراڈیا اب اپنے آپ کو اس ملک کا شہنشاہ سمجھنے لگ گیا ہے اور کیونکہ امرتسر کے چکلے والے کی اولاد سے ہے اس لئے پاکستان اور پاکستان کی فوج کے خلاف بھونک کر اسی فوج کو دھمکیاں دیتا ہے یہ نطفہ حرام جس فوج نے اس کو ایک گھٹیا نیچ زلیل اور دوٹکے کے لنڈی بچی سے ارب پتی کھرب پتی بنایا اس کو کہتے ہیں اصلی اور خاندانی نطفہ حرام


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Awww sour puss wakes up from his slumber to spit some more gunk compelled by his love for the PPPMLN. No matter how hard you try, you will never fool anyone into thinking you actually mean well. Just another random Phatwari forced by his hate for IK to perform an obnoxious orchestra of caterwauling cacophony performed by all of your personalities who let’s be honest all have a degree of monotony to it, they all moan like jilted housewives. nag nag nag nag that’s all you do, that’s all you’re capable of.
My patience with you has finally reached its threshold. Since I do not entertain phatwaris and certainly do not want to ready them, I must send you to where the rest of your brethren, the Jaati Mujrah and Larkana produced worshippers of the dishonest and the inane….. to my ignore bin....
Hey cheer up, at least you won’t see me ripping your casuistic “logic” to smithereens. Because I find it beyond me to quote phatwaris with all of them on ignore, the evangelical ones, the sly and covert ones like you pretending to be neutrals lol.

So long sucker!
You just couldn't stop loving this foreign brand talker. How easy it is for You to label and malign everyone who doesn't agree with your own philosophy of bringing laundry to the national television. PEE VEE is just a character for the kids.when they see him on TV,they clapp And get excited.
It's not something which should get you upset. I am sorry if I offended you. However, I will never start a war of abusive filled pages of disgrace .
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You just could stop loving this foreign brand talker. How easy it is for You to label and malign everyone who doesn't agree with your own philosophy of bringing laundry to the national television. PEE VEE is just a character for the kids.when they see him on TV,they clapp And get excited.
It's not something which should get you upset. I am sorry if I offended you. However, I will never start a war of abusive filled pages of disgrace .
Leave that sucker alone.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Lol... No you might not had much interaction. He is the most foul mouthed person in this forum.
I have read his posts.Being abusive and bad mouthing is not a skill one should be proud of .Anyone can change his/her lips and put them right on the trash bin and nibble.It is the decency and patience and tolerance to bear the criticism and gracefully reply which makes a difference. I have come to known most of these member of IK fan club and they are absloutely jackass when counter with rational and thinking. The can not seem to come in term with IK disastrous failure and it is difficult for them to defend his record breaking U turns and accompaining so many turncoats.
Anyway, hopefully this member will rethink his reliance on IK and lota party.
He is correct in a sense that there is no alternative of IK since the opposition is also filled with mules and donkies.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have read his posts.Being abusive and bad mouthing is not a skill one should be proud of .Anyone can change his/her lips and put them right on the trash bin and nibble.It is the decency and patience and tolerance to bear the criticism and gracefully reply which makes a difference. I have come to known most of these member of IK fan club and they are absloutely jackass when counter with rational and thinking. The can not seem to come in turm with IK disastrous failure and it is difficult for them to defend his record breaking U turns and accompaining so many turncoats.
Anyway, hopefully this member will rethink his reliance on IK and lota party.
He is correct in a sense that there is no alternative of IK since the opposition is also filled with mules and donkies.
The aggressiveness of the the PTIans is due to the monotonous anti corruption rhetoric by Imran Khan. 25 straight years Imran Khan has played that music, those who follow him or support him have become very antagonistic against the "corruption symbols". And concurrently very devoted to and touchy about Khan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The aggressiveness of the the PTIans is due to the monotonous anti corruption rhetoric by Imran Khan. 25 straight years Imran Khan has played that music, those who follow him or support him have become very antagonistic against the "corruption symbols". And concurrently very devoted to and touchy about Khan.
True but IK has abondened the pursue long ago by many thousand u turns and hiring every lota available.
Someone got to update these robots on this bot.
