
  1. amir_ali

    Russian-Ukranian Mega Brigade Will Fight in Syria For A Hefty PriceTag

    Guaranteed Syrian Citizenship For The 72,000 Strong Militarised Brigade Ready To Fight Alongside SAA, Hizballah NDF and Abu al Fadhl al Abbas Brigade.
  2. L

    Kashmir: A wounded paradise

    Kashmir: A wounded paradise/South Asia's Palestine Indian and Pakistani narratives on Kashmir have been honed over decades, but why is the issue so crucial to both states? Is Kashmir the Palestine of south Asia? [GALLO/GETTY] It was a cold, wet day in October 2008 when I ended a...
  3. F

    Suicide attack on hango, 25 DEAD and 56 wounded - Army LOST and Terrorist win in PAK

    Terrorsit WIN and Pakistan Army and govt lost the WAR.
  4. A

    Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani check post; two wounded

    PESHAWAR: Two Pakistani personnel were wounded when Afghan and Nato forces attacked the Pakistani border check post in South Waziristans Angoor Adda area on Wednesday, DawnNews reported. Pakistani security forces retaliated the attack on the Pak-Afghan border and three Afghan soldiers were...
