
  1. D

    VIP dance party with alcohol broken up in defense lahore,brother in law of ahsan iqbal held

    VIP dance party broken up the Nation,July 18,2011. LAHORE – The Defence police arrested 12 persons along with the brother-in-law of PML-N’s central leader Ahsan Iqbal in a raid on a dance party in DHA’s GG Block. Imran, the brother-in-law of Ahsan Iqbal and several others present at the...
  2. canadian

    Protecting the elite: Special Force being set up for VIP security !!!

    Protecting the elite: Special Force being set up for VIP security By Anwer Sumra Published: April 30, 2011 Elite Force to return to its counter terrorism mission. PHOTO: AFP/FILE LAHORE: The Punjab government intends to establish a Special Protection Force (SPF) for the security of very...
