
  1. B

    USA avoids confirming India's 'surgical strike' claim

    USA avoids confirming India's 'surgical strike' claim Alt Link 604320039772076 WASHINGTON: Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, John Kirby, refused to acknowledge India's claim of conducting 'surgical strikes' in Pakistan, on Friday. According to details, John Kirby said...
  2. Geek

    PEMRA slaps CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC, Fox on the wrist for illegal uplinks

    Pakistan Electronic Media and Regulatory Authority (PEMRA ) has issued notices to various foreign news channels for illegal up-linking. These channels include Fox News , CNN , BBC , Al jazeera , Star News , Sky News , IBN and NBC. These channels were covering Osama Bin Ladens story from...
  3. sarmad

    Teacher Slaps Cop, Cop Slaps Teacher, Teacher...

  4. az.ay

    For Indian members of this forum

    Since we are seeing quite a handful amount of Indians, whose minds are somehow centered on only the single aim of defaming Pakistan, this unofficial thread is being dedicated to all that is happening inside their 'shining' India - as they still insist calling it. India, the world's largest...
