
  1. crankthskunk

    Rehman Malik released MQM terrorists: Qadir Patel

    MQM supporters who never admit that MQM is killing innocent people in Karachi, and always claim they are the injured party, always. Here is news from BBC Urdu site, an interview with Abdul Qadir Patel of PPP. Patel says MQM is putting pressure on PPP to release their arrested killers. He also...
  2. Do Tok

    DO TOK - 2nd July 2011 - Tehmina Doltana & Abdul Qadir Patel - Wish Of Political Change----But How?

  3. Kal Tak

    Kal Tak - 16th June 2011 - Abdul Qadir Patel & Pervez Shokat - Why Govt Is Not Interested in Making

  4. Aaj Ki Khabar

    Aaj Ki Khabar - 14th June 2011 - Abdul Qadir Patel, Irfan Siddiqi & Siddiq al Farooq - Why Criticism

  5. Sawal Yeh Hai

    Sawal Yeh Hai - 21st May 2011 - Azam Sawati, Abdul Qadir Patel & Marvi Memon - Parliament has Lost I

  6. In Session

    In Session - 8th May 2011 - Haroon Rasheed, Siraj ul Haq, Sadiq Ul Farooq & Abdullah Patel - OBL Iss

  7. In Session

    Insession - 17th April 2011 - Abdul Qadir Patel, Jamal Lagheri, Zafar Shah - Bhutto Reference Case

  8. Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

    How Indians have ruined cricket Aakar Patel

    How Indians have ruined cricket I By Aakar Patel Published: April 2, 2011 The writer is a director with Hill Road Media and a former editor of the Mumbai-based English newspaper Mid Day and the Gujarati paper Divya Bhaskar [email protected] One of the disappointing things...
