Recent content by ..: siasi pimp :..

  1. S

    Point Blank ? Muta in Islam - Part 2 Added now[MERGED]

    Re: Point Blank ? 28th September 2009 - Only for Adults dear biomat you and her can have your own opinion but notyour own facts. so dont try to oppose thing on others that you may favour. pelaSE dont feel offended if someone is not agreed with you... justify wrong with wrong to make it right...
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    Point Blank ? Muta in Islam - Part 2 Added now[MERGED]

    Re: Point Blank ? 28th September 2009 - Only for Adults Contra HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ABOUT FREEDOM OF SPEECH?????? I'm sure your answer is a BIG what? do you not oppress others when you can? christians and ahmadi-muslim killed in pakistan where were your sentiments then??? we need...
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    Zaid Hamid: Uncensored on Blackwater September 27, 2009

    what has been said in this report should be clear to everyone without being an analyst. for me the people in pakistan should be on the road long ago and demonstrate against such behaviour of our leaders who about to sell pakistan for their own interest. I recommend a book with the title...
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    Zardari Speech in Gen Asmbley Of UN Must Watch

    1000% agreed with you just want to know who is his speechwriter...he is such a dumb president ever he can be "loyal" to the f****d up nation if he was not even "loyal" to his wife and murdered her...he is a hypocrite and people around him nutin but greedy bitches... GOD BLESS...
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    Hizb ut-Tahrir protest against Zardari's speech in London

    The word Khilafat means succession, and the Khalifa is a successor to a Prophet of Allah whose goal is to carry to completion the tasks of reformation and moral training that were seeded by the Prophet. The community of followers of a Prophet of Allah continues to nurture its faith and practices...
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    All Pakistan Lovers Please watch Point Blank Sep. 8th

    Pakistani72, Well said. I couldn't have put it better by myself. Dear Abbas, Like you said - "you had try to mixed things is really mislead"..."it was very clear misguidance".<< It just shows that you did not even try to understand what has been said and now you want me to tell you about...
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    All Pakistan Lovers Please watch Point Blank Sep. 8th

    La ilaha Illallaho Muhammad ur Rasoolallah First of all I'd like to say thanx to Mr. Altaf for being brave and honest...RESPECT! For Abbasi Bhai - As per the rule of Saudi Arabia, anyone whose country declares him to be non-Muslim for being an Ahmadi (e.g. Pakistan) is not allowed to perform...
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    India so far behind Pakistan in Missile system -Indian Media

    mr. 007md, we are the largest recipients of US aid, and you compare Pakistan with the States. :roll: Rather, perhaps with Sri Lanka or Somalia Our nation is already at war and it is not wise to think we can liberate Kashmir by force. Rather, there is a urgent need of a sincere and...
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    India so far behind Pakistan in Missile system -Indian Media

    cmq07md WELCOME TO 21st CENTURY Boy, put ya brain in gear b4 you pendu start talking..."india ko destroy karne ka"<< Our country is going through a very Painful period. The people stand in queues to buy flour, sugar etc. and you punk want war. Our object should be peace within, and peace...
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    Which politician should youngsters look upto?Obvious Answer!

    Please, this kind of cheap stories hurt my soul. People who can not even follow a logical line of argumentation, and start talking about LEADERS...! [nawaz] [shahbaz sharif] [altaf] [fazl] [zardari] [rehman-malik] [fozia] << corrupt ones always act cowardly, and coward dies thousand...
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    Sir Musharraf's interview- A must watch

    the interviewer was not well prepared. nevertheless [musharaf] is a better alternative to [nawaz] [shahbaz sharif] [zardari] [fazl]
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    Bilawal Buhtto first time Urdu speech - Please comment - LOL

    Well said swissi boy. I couldnt have put it better myself. !!!Welcome to the 21st century!!! YOU GUYS NEED A LIFE NOT HIM...GET EDUCATED AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT [musharaf] < roXX 8-)
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    Capital Talk 5th August 2009

    The fame of some contemporaries hangs together with the foolishness of the admirers. And we got many of them in Pakistan! The whole leadership belongs concreted on seabed...! they are not able to deliver...nothing but fake shoeshine leaders...! John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man...