Patwarri Mareez!


Minister (2k+ posts)
I thought NS wasseriously unwell and critcial. Then how come he walsk everywhere, looks fresh from face, and seems to have gained weight?

I am surprised at the Med Board who decided he wastoo unwell based on some platelet count and past history. This probably is a good represetation of teh Pak Medica doctors who base their opinion on theoretical rather practical knwledege. This shows their lack of understanding diseases as they are only interested in earnig money rather than understanding diseases.

It was a wrong decision to allow NS to leave Pakistan and clearly a victory for the Patwarris.NS will not come return in near future as his team is now an expert in escapism. I presume Zardari will aslo escape as Justice has to be "non discrimnatory"

Good riddles. This would leave IK to foucs on improtant issues and reviving economy except some distratction from radicals like FUZLAs. The Kashmir seige cant go on forever and will come to a head on. The tension remains high on borders. with Trump under threat of impeachment, world economy remains turbulent. the occurance of a random natural disater or flare up of warlike situtaion amongst teh hot spots will properly halt the momentum.

Its time that the IK starts to dismante the left over of the Patwarris & Zardaris by whatever means and assuring that the mafia is eliminated from the planet. We will soon turn the corner to experience a propsperous Pakistan


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

اپنی ساری زندگی کی لوٹی ہوئی دولت کے پاس جانے کی خوشی نے اس کو ایس دفہ پھر جوان کے دیا ہے.

تم اپنی لوٹی دولت کو دیکھ تو سکوگے لیکن نہ تو
استمال کر سکوگے نہ ہی ساتھ لے جا سکوگے.
یہی مکافات عمل ہے.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I thought NS wasseriously unwell and critcial. Then how come he walsk everywhere, looks fresh from face, and seems to have gained weight?

I am surprised at the Med Board who decided he wastoo unwell based on some platelet count and past history. This probably is a good represetation of teh Pak Medica doctors who base their opinion on theoretical rather practical knwledege. This shows their lack of understanding diseases as they are only interested in earnig money rather than understanding diseases.

It was a wrong decision to allow NS to leave Pakistan and clearly a victory for the Patwarris.NS will not come return in near future as his team is now an expert in escapism. I presume Zardari will aslo escape as Justice has to be "non discrimnatory"

Good riddles. This would leave IK to foucs on improtant issues and reviving economy except some distratction from radicals like FUZLAs. The Kashmir seige cant go on forever and will come to a head on. The tension remains high on borders. with Trump under threat of impeachment, world economy remains turbulent. the occurance of a random natural disater or flare up of warlike situtaion amongst teh hot spots will properly halt the momentum.

Its time that the IK starts to dismante the left over of the Patwarris & Zardaris by whatever means and assuring that the mafia is eliminated from the planet. We will soon turn the corner to experience a propsperous Pakistan

So you're calling Imran Khan a liar?

IK allowed NS to leave on humanitarian grounds and didn’t want to do politics on his health.

Or are you calling IKs med team liars and his hospital doctors incompetent idiots?

Are you saying IK gave NRO because IK is the one who allowed NS to leave?

You sound like a confused youthiya who knows IK played with you but don't want to admit it


Minister (2k+ posts)
I thought NS wasseriously unwell and critcial. Then how come he walsk everywhere, looks fresh from face, and seems to have gained weight?

I am surprised at the Med Board who decided he wastoo unwell based on some platelet count and past history. This probably is a good represetation of teh Pak Medica doctors who base their opinion on theoretical rather practical knwledege. This shows their lack of understanding diseases as they are only interested in earnig money rather than understanding diseases.

It was a wrong decision to allow NS to leave Pakistan and clearly a victory for the Patwarris.NS will not come return in near future as his team is now an expert in escapism. I presume Zardari will aslo escape as Justice has to be "non discrimnatory"

Good riddles. This would leave IK to foucs on improtant issues and reviving economy except some distratction from radicals like FUZLAs. The Kashmir seige cant go on forever and will come to a head on. The tension remains high on borders. with Trump under threat of impeachment, world economy remains turbulent. the occurance of a random natural disater or flare up of warlike situtaion amongst teh hot spots will properly halt the momentum.

Its time that the IK starts to dismante the left over of the Patwarris & Zardaris by whatever means and assuring that the mafia is eliminated from the planet. We will soon turn the corner to experience a propsperous Pakistan
تمہارے شوکت خانم ہسپتال کا ڈاکٹر بھی تمہارے بھگوان عمران نیازی کی طرح چوڑا ہے، اس نے بھی یہی بولا تھا کہ نواز شریف 'واقعی' شدید بیمار ہے۔
یہ تو بس تمہارے موٹے مسخرے فواد چوہدری کی عقابی نظروں نے تاڑ لیا کہ نواز شریف بھلا چنگا اور چاق و چوبند ہے، تبھی جہاز کی سیڑھیاں مزے سے چڑھ رہا ہے۔ یہ الگ بات کہ فواد چوہدی چوں کہ ایک یوتھیا ہے اس لیے وہ سیڑھیوں اور ایلی ویٹر میں تمیز نہیں کر سکتا۔ عمران نیازی کا ساتھی نارمل کیسے ہو سکتا ہے بھلا؟؟


Minister (2k+ posts)
So you're calling Imran Khan a liar?

IK allowed NS to leave on humanitarian grounds and didn’t want to do politics on his health.

Or are you calling IKs med team liars and his hospital doctors incompetent idiots?

Are you saying IK gave NRO because IK is the one who allowed NS to leave?

You sound like a confused youthiya who knows IK played with you but don't want to admit it

No not confused .

You wouldn't understand IK, because you are a Patwarri.

IK is a dignified individual who cares and is kind at heart. Possibly he thought that NS is on his way out terminally. He probably thought that NS will have to face Allah anyway so allowed him to leave!

It's another mm matter that NS and his doctor fooled everyone. Not unusual from a patwarri!