Pakistan stands with India


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan setting a great example despite India's animosity towards it. The Indian reaction to Babar Azam displacing Kohli in ODI rankings was not great but this shouldn't stop us from taking a higher moral stance.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Great opportunity for both countries to mend fences and spend resources on health and education instead of armament and armies. Population control also needs to be targeted by both instead of targeting each other.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
India is an existential threat to Pakistan but right now Indians are suffering so as humans we should sympathise with ordinary Indians.Some people are rejoicing to see suffering in India.This is wrong.I am a staunch anti-Indian for obvious reasons but in this difficult time I wish no ill will to ordinary citizens who are suffering from COVID-19.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan needs to stand and worry about itself. These kind of statements are feel good factors which are good on twitter we get the same kind of crap from Midi and his henchmen.