Channel 24 news unprofessional, repeating the same message five times


MPA (400+ posts)
Increases of the length of reports/clips seems to appeal /attract the audience a few media outlets have been using this trick for last few years , some also loop speeches and media talks for same reason.

Judicary-Media Mafia

MPA (400+ posts)
Oh no... Let's ban all channels which do this kind of repetition...
Oh no ....... let them carry on like they have past 35 years looting, giving fake news, repeating, lafafa journalist, doing propaganda because pmln and ppp voters are donkeys they dont want any thing genuine or professional or halal meat instead of eating donkey haraam meat. well done patwari keep up the good work people like you deserve sharif and zardari smugglers and criminals rule you.


MPA (400+ posts)
Oh no ....... let them carry on like they have past 35 years looting, giving fake news, repeating, lafafa journalist, doing propaganda because pmln and ppp voters are donkeys they dont want any thing genuine or professional or halal meat instead of eating donkey haraam meat. well done patwari keep up the good work people like you deserve sharif and zardari smugglers and criminals rule you.
No..I mean really..ban all of them..they all do pretty much the same shit.