Off The Record - 21st July 2010 - Fake Degrees Pushing Pakistn towards Midterm Elections?


Minister (2k+ posts)
PPP govt should show some courage and dont stick like glue-lets have mid-term elections because so many fake degree holders "crooks" are sitting in the parliament. These people have shown their real and ugly face so PPP,PML-N,PML-Q and others should take action against them and bring back the degree condition for mna's and mpa's.For god sake,bring the educated people in the assemblies who can do some constructive work rather sitting and sleeping in the parliament. My argument is why the mid-term election is not possible whereas in India less than 6 months,they had election.PPP can show some decency by calling the election, bring the new honest and educated people so country can run smoothly and to the right direction.when there are so many crooks with fake degrees , you have to do something about it .Mr.zardari and others, i am against no one,i just like the ruling party should have interest of the country in their mind.I hope common sense will prevail before the common person take the extreme steps , come on the streets and situation gets worse. I dont like to see the military takeover but civilian govt change hands nicely and smoothly like our neighbour india.why we dont learn something nice from others.Mid-term elections are the need of the time, people want it-please listen to the voice of the people.The leaders use to give sacrifice for national interest,go for it.PPP might come back with majority,have faith in yourself.Govt should run with clean hands,thats the only condition.