Is it possible to create a state on the model of state of Madinah?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What is the connection between ideology, society, politics, culture and economy? Also how all these relate to a project?

Anything you need to or want to do or you are told to do or achieve or accomplish or establish or fulfil is a project.

Any project starts with an idea and this is why ideology becomes the first and foremost thing to be considered or taken into account. Without it a project cannot be a project.

Society is merely a number of people who come together or are involved in a project to carry it out by playing their relevant parts in the project. These people are needed to handle things that are needed for completing a project.

Since any project involves people and things therefore the need for managing people and things hence the need for politics because politics are all about managing people and things in an organised and regulated way so that the project could be completed as well as smoothly.

In order for a project to complete as well as smoothly there arises need for bringing about a culture for that purpose so that people involved in project are at ease while working for the project. This means gearing people up for doing what they ought to do as part of a group or society. If that sort of culture or environment is not brought about then end product cannot be produced or achieved or accomplished.

If the end product is supposed to be a great economy then that is the project for people to work towards by organising and regulating themselves for managing things purposefully properly. You cannot have a great economy by doing things which have nothing to do with economy.

Economy is all about fulfilling the needs and wants of people of a society or group.

This is how ideology, society, politics, culture and economy are interrelated and interconnected.

One should therefore be able to see why random use of various words or terms produces no end product or result . It is because a project for it to be successful needs to be taken as a mission from its start to its completion. Otherwise all random efforts and hard works of people go to waste.

Your project could be anything from a smallest thing to a largest thing. For example, your project could be cooking a chicken for food. This also involves all these things I have explained. It could also be about forming and running a government of a country.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Any project involves systems, structures, procedures and practices. What are they and how are they interlinked or interconnected and interrelated?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What is a system? It is anything that is taken as a complete working unit with all its parts. Any machine is a complete unit because it contains all its part which make it the machine that it is. For example, a bike, a sewing machine, a car, a computer, a government etc etc. A human is also a system or a unit of bits and pieces which work together to make it a human being eg brain, senses, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver etc etc etc. A government is also a system for governing a human population or society with all its needed departments which help it function eg health, education, roads and transport, industry etc etc etc.

What is a structure? A structure is a framework of parts of a system which are interconnected and located with respect to each other so that the system could function smoothly in an organised and regulated way. For example, in a human body brain, senses, heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc are interconnected as well as located with respect to each other within a human body to function as a unit. In a car, all car parts are located within the car body and they are interconnected so that the car works as a unit. Same is true for a bike or any other machine. A government is also a system with parts or departments which are located and interconnected so that things work smoothly in a human population.

What is a procedure? It is a chart of operation or the way a particular part of a system is supposed to work. For example, in case of a government each and every government department is supposed to be working according to some procedure or way of doing things eg how will you get your passport made? The government passport office will have a procedure in place which a person who wants a passport made should follow.

What is a practice? It is the way people act or conduct themselves according to some laid down procedure or way of doing things.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sources of islamic constitution and laws are; the Quran according to its confirmable true interpretation, the confirmable true hadith both chain wise as well as interpretation wise, qayaas or analogy, ijma or unanimity and majority consensus.

For a people in a place to live according to governing system of islam they must know these things as individuals and they must teach them to others as well as they must agree upon them otherwise they can never live as muslims anywhere in the human world at all.

This is why no interpretation of the quran can be accepted true unless it is consistence within itself as well as consistent with real world realities.

This is why no hadith and its interpretation can be accepted true unless it is consistent with the consistent quranic interpretation.

No analogy can be accepted true unless it is consistent with true interpretation of the quran and the true interpretation of the true hadith.

Likewise no unanimity or majority consensus is acceptable against the true interpretation of the quran and the true hadith.

Why muslims need confirmable and verifiable true interpretation of the quran as well as of the true hadith? To be able to live by actual or true or real islam.

The quran tells mankind what they ought to think and do, why and how.

The hadith or history is supposed to have record of precedents that were set by the earlier generations which lived by actual or true islam. This information from the past can be helpful for present and future generations of mankind if it is available and intact. Otherwise people will have to work harder to get the needed information direct from the quran itself. It is because otherwise actual islam cannot be known therefore it cannot be practiced in reality.

Analogy, unanimity and majority consensus is also of vital importance because if people do not agree on something then it cannot be put in to practice by them or disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them will start over things. So again actual islam will not become a reality in the human world.

This should make it very obvious for people why people who claim to be muslims cannot ignore, avoid, neglect or ignore these like points because they are of such vital importance.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The quran is the main book upon which islam is based. To understand the quran purposefully properly is absolutely necessary to establish a purpose based proper state based upon it. To do that people need to understand vitally important human languages. The question is, what are vitally important human languages and why that is the case?

1)People must learn their mother tongue to the best of their God given abilities. To do this is vitally important because otherwise one cannot communicate with other human beings effectively for expressing what is in one's own mind to others. Not only that but one cannot understand what others are trying to express which is in their minds. Each person's life begins between people among whom one is born. So there is no escape from learning one's mother tongue. If one is good at learning one's own mother tongue then it makes it very easy for a person to learn other languages.

2)The other language one has to learn is the one which is language of the most advanced and progressed people at the time. It is because they develop their language as they progress with time. It is because they learn new things for which they need modified or new words. Backward people do not develop and progress so their languages also remain backward and very limited. This is why if a people want to develop and progress then they must link themselves with such people or they will become and remain stagnant or keep on regressing.

3)Another language people must learn is the one which gives them their purpose based proper moral foundation. It is because without purpose based proper moral foundation no people can advance and progress beyond a limit due to their infighting over things to have them any way they can from each other at each other's expense. This language also requires people to learn other human languages because without knowing them they cannot extend purpose based proper moral foundation to them.

So anyone who has learned the needed sense of making purpose based proper sense of things should be able to see how things are interconnected in this regard which gives things their purpose based proper context.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If anyone wants to bring about a state on the model of state of madinah then one has to concentrate on purpose based proper education and training of people to gain the needed skills for getting this end result. It was the mission of the last and the final prophet and messenger of Allah to mankind. Just empty slogans do not mean anything at all nor saying one thing and doing the other is going to be any good for people who claim to be muslims. Deen and mazhab are two opposing things. One is only empty ritualism which wastes time and energy of people and that way gradually destroys them and the other demands and requires very, very hard work by people for its success because it is a mission and needs to be taken up as a mission by mankind.