Recent content by lahorezshorty

  1. L

    Aman kee ashaa farce equalsBughul main choorimun peh Ram

    Re: i think this all peace talk,Aman ki Asha,it's all a fraud! o comon guys.. give them a chance... they r working on something.. wait for the outcome.. dont assume before the results...
  2. L

    NRO Decession and GEO Tv

    well we as a nation have failed to provide the entertainment required by the nation. plus, lets take the unnecessary hate out.. its just entertainment.. enjoy itt
  3. L

    Blackwater Recruiting Pakistanis

    WHO ARE THESE KIDS? THIS HAIDER MIRZA DUDE IS A KID AND WAS STUDING WITH ME IN PCL.. doing a third class degree with lower class division.. i hate these wana beez
  4. L

    Salaam to Brave Pakistani Policeman who died for Pakistan

    Allah sab gunah maf karay aur Janat mai jaga dai. Ameen.
  5. L

    Nazar - by Express News (Must Watch)

    we are all with you. atleast I m.... you guys are alive and will always be.
  6. L

    April 28 in History

    actually, everything listed below happenned on april 28th:.... plus possibly wht u wrote 2001 Dennis Tito becomes the first space tourist by paying $20 million to fly on a Soyuz mission to the International Space Station. 1997 "Jekyll and Hyde" opens at Plymouth Theater New York City 1996...
  7. L

    April 28 in History

    yes it should be continued